
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Hittite Halfway

The sixth unit for the Hittite project marches off the painting desk.  With the completion of today's fourteen figure stand, the 2020 goal of fielding a 12-element army of Hittite's reaches the halfway point.  Figures are Wargames Foundry.  The sculpting style of the Foundry Hittites are much different from the Newline Designs' Hittites.  While the Newline Designs' figures are rounded and chunky, the Foundry Hittites look to be hard campaigners and are downright skinny.  Fine sculpts both.
This week marks a major milestone for this homebound wargamer.  That is, Face-to-Face gaming is returning to the Palouse. With no in-person gaming since early January, offers for Thursday and Saturday gaming are on the table.  Having only one or two other gamers in attendance, I am tentatively committed to testing FtF gaming again.  Thursday offers up a Field of Glory game while Saturday will see Fire & Fury in action.  Having not played either in a very long time, the relearning curve to Fire & Fury will be much less so will likely pick the Saturday game.  Actually, playing F&F is almost second nature so the relearning curve ought to be relatively flat. Relatively flat in comparison to Field of Glory, that is.  I have never quite understood that game and it always seems like work rather than recreation.  

On the cycling front, weather has improved this week with temperatures expected in the mid-80s all week.  Typically, as the temperatures rise so does the mileage.  We will see if I can stick to that correlation.  Only two days into the week and mileage has already topped 60 miles.  A 32-miler is planned for Tuesday.  Below is one photo from a recent ride while descending into a little valley.  The photo shows the upcoming short and sharp climb on the far side of the valley I must overcome to drag myself up and out of the valley.


  1. A nice grouping and to be halfway through the army in June - bodes well for timeliness and an end of year success.

    1. Thank you, Norm! The remaining six units will be finished before summer is done. Finishing touches on three more units are in work now.

  2. Congrats on the progress with your impressive Bronze Age army. The sun's been out in force here in western WA too, but so has the pollen count - sneezing and burning eyes almost makes me want rainy weather - almost, but not. :)

    1. Thanks, Dean! Sorry to read about your allergy troubles. Seems pollen has been particular obnoxious this year. June weather has been unsettled on the eastern side of the state but summer sunshine and warm temps appear to begin this week.

  3. Another lovely unit and I think nice to have a mix of manufacturers/sculpting styles to add variety to the whole. Fantastic that you are able to get some FtF gaming in again. 1st August is the earliest date for us in the UK, in terms of household FtF gaming. Good to see the weather warming up, like here, for some longer distance bike rides.

    1. Thank you, Steve! I enjoy mixing a collection up between different manufacturers as well.

      Although COVID seems to be having a moderate resurgence here following the three-day Memorial Weekend, fitness clubs opened this week. This week's games are still tentative, so I will see how it goes. It will be great to get in a FtF game.

  4. Lovely unit Johnathan. Ive only discovered Newline recently but have been very impressed with their quality. Well done.

    1. Thank you, Robbie! I discovered Newline Designs about five years ago. Since then, I have purchased many figures in a couple of the ranges. I like the Biblicals, a lot.

  5. Great looking unit Jonathan. Nice to hear someone's gonna get a face to face game soon.

    1. Thanks, Ray! Fingers crossed, a game this weekend...

  6. Great progress with the Hittites and best wishes for your upcoming post-hibernation games.

    1. Thank you on both counts, Greg! The Hittite Army is coming together very well. In fact, I am already plotting how to expand beyond the planned dozen BMUs.

  7. That’s cracking progress Jonathan. On both the Hittites and the cycling.

    It’ll be great to get some F2F gaming in. All the best for that.

    1. Thanks so much! With the weather forecast, this week may see me log the most miles this season.

  8. Two reasons to look forward to Hittites on the table. The new unit does look good, albeit lean and hungry.

    1. These particular Foundry Hittites do look lean and hungry. Glad you like them, Markus!

  9. Another nice unit Jonathan, and good to see gaming back on the menu. Cycling too nearly all is well with the world. We are just about to have a heatwave so planning on a ride tomorrow after work🚴🏻‍♂️

    1. Thanks, Matt!

      If you cover some scenic terrain during your post-work ride, send pictures!

  10. Terrific stuff again Jonathan, and I hope you will do a full parade of the Hittites when complete. I have FoG on the shelf and must give it a run through, but it does look like it might be heavy going as you say. DBMM is a little the same, but most of my group have been playing it for years which makes things go relatively smoothly.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! I will be sure to hold a parade when the first 12 units are finished. FoG is a real slog for me but some of guys here really enjoy it. Give it a try and report back.

    2. I'm going to try and convince the group to give it a run. We had a very strange DBMM on the weekend which left us feeling a little dissatisfied, in that we had inflicted so much damage on the opponents in our bound that they were ready to throw in the towel, only to "give it one more turn and see what happens" and to inflict even more on us, whereupon we called it a day. A complete reversal based upon throwing a string of ones on our part, and sixes on theirs. I suppose you are potentially going to get that with any game mechanic based on a D6, but I have never been involved in one quite like that before.

    3. Hi Lawrence. I have never played DBMM but many rules suffer from similar mechanisms allowing the dice to drive the narrative. While the random component is important, should it be the determining factor in resolution and battle outcome? Of course, war is chaotic but in my opinion, a balance is needed between the random (dice) and deterministic (tables, modifiers) components. Relying too much on the random component results in resolution decided in a dice rolling contest rather than by player skill or tactics.

  11. A very nice looking unit, and great progress overall.
    I think re-basing my Hittite acquisitions is going to be my August project, as we'll be vacationing at home due to the pandemic.

    1. Thank you, Peter! Rebasing? One of your favorite activities. I look forward to seeing your end results on this project. As for vacationing at home, you are not alone!

    2. At least it is rebasing someone else's basing! :-)

    3. That is a very nuanced (but good) point!

  12. Great news about the FtF gaming Jonathan...and your latest Hittite additions are up to your usual exemplary standards!

    1. Thanks, Keith! The FtF gaming session is looking questionable now. How quickly the situation changes. Seems the area has had a sudden resurgence in cases and our governor is putting in new restrictions in place on Friday...

  13. A colourfull and very neat unit.

    I'm using the good weather too. We revisited the Castle of the dukes of Zähringen and I still hope to walk from the Batzenberg towards Freiburg, examining and taking photos of this portion of the 1644 battlefield. Although it's too hot these days and maybe I will postpone this trip to autumn.

    1. Thanks! Whenever the weather allows such a battlefield walk, I hope to see a travelogue of your outing.

  14. Great looking unit a fab addition to he collection.

  15. Super looking Hittites! I'm sure they'll work well with the Newline figures, on the ftf gaming, had a game yesterday, as we are now allowed to visit in gardens I set my trestles up on the patio and we had a TtS and bolt action game, it was great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! My Assyrians, while predominantly Foundry, have a mix of Newline and BTD as well. All work very well together.

      Good news that you were able to get in a FtF game in your garden! We have seen a sudden upsurge in cases this week so I am bowing out of the planned Saturday FtF game. Our governor is announcing new restrictions on Friday. Hopefully soon, the world will return to normal...

  16. Nice unit Jonathan! Seems to me if you’ve hit the half way mark during the month of June, you’re pretty much on the right track.

    1. Thanks! I am actually ahead of schedule. There is a lag between painting a unit and getting it into the photo booth.

  17. Cracking job on your Hittites my friend, and lovely base...

  18. Looking good my friend. With your production I have no doubt you’ll be able to reach your goal of 12 units, even with the added painting for various projects. 😀

    Hope your games happened! Seems like we are slowly getting released when new scares appeared.

    1. Thanks, Stew! Yes, the 12-BMU goal will be reached very soon. Two more units will be hopping off the painting desk tomorrow.

      On COVID, we make good progress and then are forced to take a step back when the number of cases reignites as last week in Washington State. Not the magnitude of resurgence seen in your state of California but a setback, nonetheless. Given the current, local situation and with at least two of us in the planned Saturday game in high risk, I will forego the FtF game. With luck, perhaps I can try again soon.

    2. That’s too bad but completely understandable. It does seem like we are headed to a new crisis.

  19. Another unit of fine looking biblical warriors!

    Good luck with the game mate, am rather enviois

    1. Thank you! Unfortunately, I had to withdraw from the game since COVID cases are on the raise and a couple of us are in high risk categories.
