
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Hittite Chariot #2

Hittite chariot #2 emerges from the painting desk.  As chariot #1 (see The Hittites are Coming!), this chariot, crew, and entourage are from Newline Designs.  Fine figures in the chunky style of sculpting.  I like them a lot.  Without any empirical evidence, painting the chunky and more rounded sculpts seems easier to paint than Wargames Foundry.  We will see if that holds once I paint a Foundry chariot or two.     
For the initial goal of fielding a 12 element Hittite army, the plan includes five chariots in this 12 element mix.  In this first tranche, three chariots will be sourced from Newline Designs with the remaining two chariots from Wargames Foundry.  Most Hittite Army lists suggest a chariot heavy force.  I will not veer far from that concept.  In the Impetvs terminology, the remainder of the army will be composed of two heavy spear FP BMUs, two archer T BMUs, and finally three javelin FL BMUs.  Once the initial twelve are finished, I may add a unit here and there into the painting queue to add a little more might to the Hittite collection.

On the painting front, May turned out to be OK in number of figures painted.  I managed to just slip past the 100 figure count for the month.  June looks like it may produce more of the same unless a 39-figure pike block can be successfully tackled before month end.  Begun yesterday, my confidence is high, for now.  With figures from a number of different manufacturers as I press into service leftovers in The Lead Pile, this weighty block may take more time than the typical pike block.  Large, Landsknecht pike blocks, are not so easy for me.  Luckily, this may be the last one to hit the painting table for some time since I have emptied the bin!  Of course, there are still several 30-figure bags of Old Glory arquebusiers and crossbowmen and at least one more BMU of Gendarmes in the bin.  Still, plenty to paint if the Italian Wars project calls. 

Lots more new units to share in the coming weeks including work from a few projects not seen in a very long time. 


  1. A lovely base, which is very nicely set off by the runners. I think this is my favourite of your armies.

    1. Thank you, Norm! The Hittites specifically are your favorites or the whole project including Assyrians and Egyptians?

    2. Well, I would do a New Kingdom / Hittite combo, but as an army, I like the Hittite forces the best.

  2. Lovely chariot. I have nothing left in the bottom of the barrel again but I do have some terrain coming.

    1. Thank you, George! Out of stuff to paint? How is that possible?

  3. Good looking chariot, especially like the runners which add to the overall look.

  4. Another lovely chariot unit and the runners protecting it really add to the look. A 39 man pike block? I can't wait to see this!

    1. Thanks! Yes, one more 39 figure pike block. Maybe this can be the last one? Really, how many pike blocks does one need?

  5. Great work, I painted many chariots for a NKE army in the past, a lot of work! An interesting period though!

    1. Thank you so much, Mark! Chariots and their entourage are a lot of work but one stand presents a good spectacle when finished.

  6. good progress hopefully these these guys can get into combat in the not too distant future

    1. Good progress, for sure. Looks like I will meet my 2020 goal of fielding a 12 element Hittite army long before the year is out.

      As for out on the table, I am not sure when that can happen. Hopefully, we can return to normal FtF gaming soon.

  7. Dammit! Now I am googling Hittite...

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ray! When up against an enemy, I hope they will be smashing!

  9. Even if they're a little slower, Landsnechts will be worth it. Hittites are smashing - almost as smashing as their impact on opponents ;)

    1. For me, painting Landsknechts is a tough slog. Perhaps if I broke the block into smaller chunks, I could manage it more easily?

      Glad you like the Hittites and I hope they do smash and enemy line or two!

  10. Really nice Jonathan...

    All the best. Aly

  11. More great work on your Hittite collection Jonathan and I agree with Biblcrafts comment about your desert basing!

  12. Another great addition to your Hittite army, Jonathan.

  13. Gorgeous, I'm jealous...👍👍

  14. Superb again Jonathan. When will these marvellous Hittites get a hit-out? (sorry!)

    1. Thanks, James! I don’t have a gameable force of Hittites yet but progress continues.

  15. Another lovely looking chariot! I'm with you on Newline, they seem easy to paint which is good as I have a fair number primed! Looking forward to your landsknechts and of course you need another pike block or two!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! One more Landsknecht pikeblock in work but how many of these does one REALLY need? The answer always seems to be "one more than I have!"

  16. Five of these will be quite an impressive sight, great work as always Jon.

  17. Another perfect base.

    I'm excited to see more projects. SYW again?

    1. Thank you! Perhaps a return to SYW painting after I finish the first dozen Hittites in work.

  18. The men in the chariot look way to calm for what they are about. Hittites must be very stoic people. 😀

    Great job on the chariot! The army is gonna be great!

    1. Thank you, Stew! Perhaps the Hittites were a stoic people? Warfare is a serious business.

  19. Lovely looking chariot Jonathan!


  20. Superb chariot Jnathan! So many projects, so little time.........

    1. Mike you are very kind! Yes, so many projects so little time...

  21. I missed this over the weekend, so am only just enjoying it now. Great work on this Jonathan.
