
Friday, June 14, 2019

NEW! Early French Napoleonics

French Line Courtesy OldGlory15s
New 15mm Napoleonic figures!  Yes, that is correct and hot out of the casting room!

I received an email from Old Glory 15s on Monday announcing additions to their "old" and mostly dormant Old Glory 15mm Napoleonics ranges.  What piqued my interest?  Late Revolutionary French in bicorne and early cavalry.  Troops perfectly suited for expanding my 1799 project.  Also in this release are French for the early Imperial period (1805-1807) but I am only concerned with the 1799-1803 period for now. 
French Hussars Courtesy OldGlory15s
A few sample photos from the website are included and the figures look first rate.  The photos for the French in bicorne for the Late Revolution and Early Empire period are the same.  Both show grenadiers.  The Early Empire packs list grenadiers and voltigeurs as part of the contents while the Late Revolution do not.  Will the Late Revolution packs include grenadiers and voltigeurs, we shall see.  Before I had second thoughts, I quickly tapped out an order to sample some of figures.  On order are three packs of infantry, three packs of cavalry, and one pack of artillery.  
French Artillery Courtesy OldGlory15s
Package size has been downsized to 24 infantry, 8 cavalry, or 3 guns and crew for USD$10.  For the Late Revolutionary French, this release includes:
  • 3 packs of French infantry
  • 5 packs of cavalry
  • 5 packs of artillery
  • 7 packs of Consular Guard  
Details may be found at OldGlory15s/19th Century Miniatures. These are most welcome additions especially since Late Revolutionary French cavalry are scarce.  The figures look good, no?


  1. Replies
    1. I think so too! I look forward to seeing them in hand.

  2. Nice looking revolutionary types,I hope they are as clean when you get them!
    Best Iain

    1. I hope they arrive as clean as the sample figures too!

  3. These look very nice - one "issue" I have with OG is that they seem to have created a wide range of figures 15 or 20 years ago, then stopped - hardly anything being added to the 15mm ranges, the "Second Edition" stalled after the first few packs and some figures in bot 15mm and 25mm are in there catalogue but never seem to have been actually nice to see them adding to this range at least!

    1. As Peter mentions below, Old Glory and Old Glory 15s are two separate companies. Old Glory sold off their 15mm ranges years ago to Old Glory 15s (19th Century Miniatures) in anticipation of creating a new range of 15mm figures (Blue Moon).

      It is easy to be confused. Add into the mix, the confusion between Old Glory 25s ( and Old Glory Miniatures ( and my head begins to swim.

  4. Old Glory 15's is a different company from Old Glory per se, and has been fro quite a few years. I do agree that it would be good to see Old Glory expand their existing 28 mm ranges, not that they don't have pretty extensive ones already, mind you. They have most of their energy focused on their Blue Moon 18's now.

    Regardless, the new 15 mm offerings look good!

    1. The confusion between the various Old Glory companies is legendary.

      Yes, these new 15mm offerings look great to me!

  5. Now that's a revelation. I was aware of the Old Glory 15 line(s), but wasn't aware that they were still actively expanding the offerings.

  6. Lovely proportioned figures. When I first saw the title and the word 'new', I wondered whether Lancashire Games had expanded their napoleonic revolutionary wars offerings.

    1. I agree. The figures look well proportioned and remind me very much of the later 15mm Napoleonic ranges from Old Glory before they sold off these figures.

      Lancashire Games is expanding their FRW range of 18mm figures too but I much prefer the Old Glory style.

  7. A nice addition for your collection 🙂

  8. Very nice, sculpts, Jonathan. It's always nice to see a line adding new figures.

    1. Good additions to a venerable range. I appreciate seeing new additions especially for the FRW.

  9. They look like nice little sculpts. When was the last time Old Glory 15s added to their range? I cannot remember them adding figures since the range sold.

    1. These additions look good. Very good to have more options for early French cavalry especially. I have seen a few new sculpts over the years since changing hands but not too many. I need to refresh my memory on the new sculpts I have seen on their website.

  10. The figures look good and the price seems reasonable. Is that the raw price, or after using their discount card (or am I confusing companies?).

    1. Hi Lawrence. The prices I quoted are the list or raw priced. You're getting your "Old Glory" companies confused (easy to do!). Old Glory15s do offer a price break on quantity orders. 20% if the order is over $100 and 40% discount if over $400.

    2. I just had a look at their Eastern Renaissance ranges and a 40% discount makes putting an army together look very attractive, and they look as though they would paint up quite well. I'll be looking forward to your thoughts once you receive your order.

    3. That range looks good, for sure! I have thousands of Old Glory 15mm Napeoleonics in my collection purchased mostly before the "original" Old Glory sold the 15mm ranges to Old Glory15s/19th Century Miniatures.

      Many of the figures in my 1859 project are 15mm Old Glory figures and those are really nice too.

      If you want to capture the 40% discount and can't quite make the $400 threshold, I am sure you can convince others to pile onto your order. Hint, hint...

  11. These look great Jonathan. It reminds me that I must get back to my Revolutionary French.

  12. Should look good in your collection I expect when completed.


  13. My vote is for the triplane Jonathan.

  14. Did you ever get these? Did you order the Legere? Do they all have the double crossbelt with sabre? I can't tell from the OG15s site. Also, how are the Chasseurs in mirliton?

    1. Hi Phil! Yes, I received my order very quickly and it was customized per my figure mix requests. I did order one pack of legere.

      The legere, while good figures, are an odd mix. The elites remind me very much of the Old Glory 1st Gen French legere that Alsop sculpted. The chasseurs appear to be a new sculpt with a different hand. Only the elites carry the saber from what I see. All carry a haversack that obscures most of the saber. Still, very nicely sculpted.

      The Chasseurs in mirlton look good and are typical of Old Glory Napoleonic cavalry.

  15. Jonathan, thanks for that. It's what I suspected from the pictures. Legere look the same as the ligne for the non elites. I ordered the Battle Honors legere skirmishing instead (those are a known quantity) and the Chasseurs in Mirliton.

    1. You're welcome!

      I find the BH FRW figures hit or miss. Some are very good while others are not so good. Seems to be variation in size among different figure packs as well.
