
Monday, June 17, 2019

Cycling and Hiking the Palouse

Sunday was Father's Day in the USA. 
Open roads of the Palouse
With expectations for a family activity later in the day, I set off on the bike to get the road work in before the day truly began.  Having the luxury of early morning temperatures around 70F, I set out on the 30 mile loop.  Roads were free of traffic on this holiday morning. 
More open roads of the Palouse
Still more open roads
While I typically ride mid-afternoon after the workday has ended and ideal daytime temperatures are present, an early morning Sunday ride presented much more company than usually seen.  The roads are nearly devoid of cyclists during midday especially when the heat begins to rise in mid-summer.  This morning I came upon several small group of riders.  In this part of the country, I never pass a fellow cyclist without receiving a wave and/or a salutation.  Sometimes these greetings are in French or Italian.  I think they are being funny.
Traffic! Buongiorno!
More traffic! Bonjour!
After returning home no worse for the wear, I cleaned up and prepared for the next item on the day's itinerary.  Next up?  A trip to Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho for lunch and a hike.
Lake Coeur d'Alene from Mineral Ridge 
The planned hike was a trek up to the summit of Mineral Ridge overlooking Lake Coeur d'Alene.  The lake is one of many beautiful lakes situated in North Idaho within an easy commute from Spokane. 
Beautiful blue water of Coeur d'Alene
The hike consisted of a three-and-a-half mile loop with much of the dirt path winding up among the many switchbacks leading to the summit.  Views from the top are spectacular.  Well worth the discomfort of plodding up a steep incline on an 85F, mid-June afternoon. 
Nancy still smiling after the hike to the top
This was a very enjoyable way to spend Father's Day outdoors on the Palouse. 


  1. Nice way to spend Father's Day!
    Best Iain

    1. Spending the day as you at the painting desk would have been enjoyable too!

  2. While I can't say I share your passion for cycling Jonathan, I certainly enjoy the scenery. Lovely pictures.

  3. Fantastic scenery sir! Looks like great cycling country. I must find time to get the bike over and get a game in :)

  4. Sounds idyllic! But also quite knackering?!?

  5. Sounds like you had a great Fathers Day and looks like the area you live in is very picturesque Jonathan!

    1. Very enjoyable, day, for sure, Keith! Not the same as your China visit but still worthwhile.

  6. Four years (plus) rotating through the Yakima Firing Center made me intimately familiar with the climate of Eastern Washington, and I've driven the Spokane:Cour d'Alene route several times. You're wise to take advantage of the wonderful local opportunities you have there! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Will you ever pass this way again?

    2. Interesting question. I actually was a WA State Resident for many years during my Army career, thinking I'd move back there at some point, but fortune has taken me to the other extreme, geographically speaking (New Hampshire). However, a return trip to Banff someday might include a swing through those parts of the US (for old times sake).

  7. Lovely images, Jonathan! The weather's been great here in Western WA too - just a bit of allergies kicking in too! :)

    1. In some years, we cannot expect summer-like weather until July 4. This year has been extraordinary with much fine weather.

  8. I took the kids up Mineral ridge just last week. That is a great little hike!

    1. It is a good little hike, for sure. Stunning views too!

  9. My cycle route is a little more urban than this. I think I know which I'd prefer. Beautiful landscape.

    1. I prefer the rural setting too. Good to hear from you, Matt!

  10. Fantastic looking views Jonathan!


    1. The beautiful lake views are a just reward for the long, hot climb to the summit.

  11. It looks like a great time ... without miniatures ;-)))

  12. A great day for the "Tour de Palouse"!

  13. Beautiful landscape Jonathan an active Father’s Day 🙂

    1. I enjoyed an active Father’s Day spent in a stress free manner. Perfect!
