
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Last of the BTD Celts

"Last of the BTD Celts" is only momentarily true.  While this dozen represents the last batch of BTD Celts in the The Lead Pile, a recent BTD sale including Celt chariots and cavalry prompted an order to resupply the Celts.  Just when I think I have conquered and cleared-out a small portion of the figure bins, BTD holds a sale and I relapse.  Sigh.  On a positive note, the newly raised Celts could use an additional chariot or two and cavalry.
The problem I have with BTD cavalry is that they are simply huge.  Outside of Renegade, no other manufacturer seems to match them in size and heft.  Perhaps, BTD Celt cavalry would be a good match to Renegade but I have yet to receive any.  Some 28mm cavalry look like little ponies or colts next to the big BTD and Renegade cavalry.  I sure regret not buying more Renegade figures when they were both available and cheap.  Ah, those were the days.

With BTD's recent announcement of order fulfillment challenges, it may be awhile before I see an  influx of this BTD lead.  Patience is a virtue.  Until then, a Celtic warband from Crusader Miniatures is in work at the painting desk.


  1. Nice looking Celts now with added tattoos! Good to hear reinforcements are on their way,no slacking now!(as if)
    Best Iain

  2. Very nice, the animation and shields taken together make these look very 'full' bases. I like that.

  3. Absolutely splendid - I'm sure I've seen these guys out drinking in Glasgow on a Saturday night? Interesting (though presumably irritating) about scale variations - I spend so much of my life struggling to get compatible "true 25mm" figures to match each other that I always sort of assume that 28mm and 15mm are relatively straightforward.

    Obviously these problems are universal!

    1. Thanks! I would advise to stay clear of this group if you come upon them on a Saturday night. A fearsome dozen, for sure!

      As for scale variations, from the figures I use in 28mm, I find the foot match up well between manufacturers but the horse come in a variety of sizes with BTD and Renegade being bigger than all others.

  4. A dynamic look unit and painted to your usual high standards.

  5. They look really cool. The shields have turned out great.

  6. I wouldn't have expected anything else other than such a stunning array of figures. Like you I have now cleared the decks lead pile wise so now I'm hoping to get my hands on a new load before the inevitable post Brexit price rises.

  7. Striking group of Barbarians, Jonathan!

  8. Horses are one of the things most susceptible to be differences in scale, no matter how slight. As well as weapons and such. Good luck finding a good match.
    The celts look great! 😀

    1. Glad you approve of my Celt-work, Stew! A lot of these figures have passed over the painting desk of late. More to come but I am switching to Crusader for awhile.

      Finding compatible cavalry is a never-ending battle.

  9. That’s a real mean bunch of Celts you got there!

    1. BTD sculpting presents meaning-looking facial features in most of the figures. They provide a real sense of fearsomeness.

  10. An impressive looking bunch! Nicely done.

  11. Great work as usual Jonathan. I'm with you on missing Renegade. Great figures for ancients and very easy to paint. I would have liked to have purchased some of their ECW range as well.

    1. Thank you!

      I purchased a number of Renegade’s Punic Wars and ECW figures years ago. While I have a number of the ECW regiments in the collection, being able to field more the fine sculpts would be great. Do you have any of the ECW figures? They are easy to paint and match well with Redoubt.

    2. Only Renegade Punic Wars figures for me I'm afraid. I was just a little late with my ECW purchases so ended up going Empress and Perry, with a smattering of Redoubt.

    3. I have a few handfuls of surplus Renegade Punic Wars' figures that are not in large enough quantity to field units, interested?

  12. Great looking Celts... with Crusader infantry and BTD Cavalry and Chariots yet to come?!

    Are these working towards a specific goal/battle?

    1. Thanks! Yes, more Celts to come. The goal I am working toward is Telamon.

  13. Nice unit as always...the BTD sale does seem to come up pretty regularly, but at the moment the lead/plastic pile is quite large enough here in the Lake District 🙂

    1. Hi Matt. BTD sales are frequent but do not offer the same discount as in the past. The reduction in the number of 40% off offerings has helped in controlling the increasing depth of my Lead Pile. Well, as far as BTD figures are concerned!

  14. Agree with all the other comments Jonathan - your BTD figures are always inspirational - an outstanding range!

    1. Much appreciated, Keith! BTD figures are excellent in all of the ranges I have sampled.

  15. Great looking Celts Jonathan, will be painting some similar figures myself soon.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross! I look forward to seeing your work soon.

  16. Another fine addition to the Celt units Jonathan :)

  17. lovely unit of celts Jon! name is not Tango01/Armand! Lol ;o)


    1. Thanks, Phil! Yeah, Armand has no trouble reposting blog posts (including this one) but cannot be bothered to read copyright notices. Sigh.

  18. A lovely looking unit. Perhaps save the big BTD horses for the noble units and the smaller units for the humbler type? I try to to this with my 17th century stuff. Small horse figures are destined for my Scottish units normally :-)

    1. Thank you!

      That is a good idea regarding horse size. I will need to compare rider size as well. Nobles would be better fed and bred than commoners so they might be larger too.
