
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sash & Saber Kickstarter Arrives!

Sash & Saber Kickstarter contents
Early in 2018, Sash & Saber announced a Kickstarter project to jump start a proposed French & Indian War range of figures in 25mm.  Being a fan of Chris Hughes' work from his 25mm Napoleonic and ACW ranges, I knew the figures would be to my liking and that the risk of non-delivery was low.  Throughout the process, Chris provided frequent updates including photos of newly sculpted greens as they emerged from his workbench.

Fast forward to May 2019 and a big box from Old Glory (who casts Sash & Saber figures) arrived on my doorstep.  In the box were several dozen figure packs, all neatly hand labeled along with two resin buildings.  While I had ordered three buildings, the third was not far behind after a quick email to Chris.  It seems the resin building supply chain was having difficulty keeping up with demand.  
Selection of blockhouse and small cabins
Having a FIW collection already completed (yeah, "completed" is a famous last word) and relatively dormant (when did I last game or add to this project?), why commit to a Kickstarter project?

As noted earlier, one reason to commit to the project was to help in getting this low-risk project funded.  If my small contribution might push the bar towards fruition, why not?  

Second, the Kickstarter promised a number of figures not among the ranks of my troops at present.  Here was an opportunity to add provincials, British in cut down coats, British and French militia, casualties, and a number of Natives.  If response was great enough, even troops on snowshoes would be added.

Third, the Kickstarter offered some enticing incentives including a bonus of a resin blockhouse and a small cabin.  The temptation was too great.  I really wanted to add the buildings.  The ability to fill in some missing troop-types sealed the deal.

While figure delivery stretched out beyond the projected timeline, never was there a concern that the figures would not arrive.  Status updates were frequent and informative.  As for Kickstarters, this one from Sash & Saber presents a model for all others to follow. 

I look forward to sifting through the packs of figures and picking a few to add into the painting queue.


  1. I will be interested to see the actual figures Jonathan. My Napoleonic Austrian army owes its existence to the fact that S&S had a10th anniversary (or something similar) 40% off offer via Old Glory about 8 years ago. This tempted me sufficiently to invest in multiple unit packs of Napoleonic Austrians, who were later added to with OG Second Edition infantry. The S&S figures are all very nicely sculpted and detailed, so I imagine the new range will be very nice too.

    1. Keith, I did the same for French Napoleonics years ago. Has it been ten year? It may have been but seems much longer ago than that. S&S was offering a 50% discount. My buddies and I bought a load of figures then. Like Peter below, I would like to see the 25mm ranges expand.

      I look forward to slapping some paint on a few figures to see how the results.

  2. Superb sir!
    Look forward to seeing this one hit the table.

    1. I really like the design and execution of the buildings. The blockhouse comes in three pieces and is superb, indeed.

  3. Hmm, I completely missed this KS (a problem with KS in general), although I don't game this era. I do like Sash and Saber figures, and I wish they would add to their 28 mm Napoleonic range - at least the Russian Artillery!

    1. Kickstarters are easy to miss but I got in on this one since there were so many interesting figures rarely seen.

      I wish the S&S Napoleonic ranges were expanded too but unlikely with the current focus on 40mm. I still think S&S Napoeleonic guns are some of the best.

  4. nice to see a happy gamer ! Lots to go at there more of a skirmish game than your usual ? Work. Would also be interested to see the scale of the figures

    1. Hi Matt. You make a good observation. I am not much of a skirmish gamer outside of CoCs for WWII. For FIW, I do not classify my collection as skirmish since BMUs are not individual figures but companies or warbands. Last time I games the period (that was a long time ago!), I used a figure:men ration of about 1:5 with BMUs of between 12-16 figures. I am anxious to compare the figures with some of the others in the collection for compatibility.

  5. Looking forward to seeing these. The buildings look splendid - I do like resin.

    1. The buildings are great! I look forward to a good sort-out and making some comparisons with other figures. Painting a few will provide a clearer picture.

  6. The buildings look very good, will look out for painted updates as the painting progresses.

    1. Buildings are very nice. Study, resin construction should provide years of use.

  7. Lovely resin buildings and I look forward to seeing the varied troops!
    Best Iain

    1. This is a trio of fine resin buildings. Some day, we will see how they look with a coat of paint. With luck, they will look half as good as your recent church.

  8. Very nice, and those resin buildings looks as though they will paint up well.

    1. We will see how they take to paint. These will be great additions to FIW collection.

  9. Those buildings look very good Jonathon. FIW is a period I have always liked the look of but never really gotten into...I will follow your adding to your collection with distinct interest.

    1. A cursory look at the figures suggest very good figures too. I hope they match up with my existing collection.

  10. Very nice terrin! Have fun to paint :)

  11. I shall look gorward to your new project with envy.

    1. I look forward to getting some of these figures into the painting queue too!

  12. Nice haul, looks like a good investment. I had a small cache of FIW once but it didn’t survive subsequent purges of projects that didn’t get off the ground. But I get misty eyed about it whenever I watch last of the Mohicans.
    The builds do look cool. 😀

    1. Last of the Mohicans is a terrific inspiration for the period. With S&S's Kickstarter complete and figures available, perhaps, time to revisit the period?

  13. Good to see you pledged on this one. I considered pledging to this one as well, but opted out in favor of completing an existing project. I am interested to see how your natives turn out.

    1. I am not sure when i will actually get around to working on these figures but the buildings will likely be the first to see attention at the workbench. I am very interested in getting some of the Provincials on the table.
