
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Front Rank British 5th Line

Some of my favorite 28mm Napoleonic figures pushed through the painting queue recently.  My favorite figures are the redesigned Front Rank British Reinforcement Sets.  To my eye, the sculpting and anatomy on these figures cannot be topped.  Splendid figures.
This battalion of nineteen figures including one skirmisher musters out as the 5th Line.  Why the 5th?  Well, I had a Victrix flag transfer laying in wait.
With the French and her allies outnumbering the British and Portuguese contingents by a small margin, it was high time to bolster the British by adding one more line battalion.  Honestly, the British could field several more battalions before parity with the French begins to approach.  The project could use some more Portuguese too but the British reinforcement sets are so fine, it will be tough resisting a purchase of more of these infantry.
While the 5th represents the last of British in The Lead Pile, a pile of French still loiter unpainted.  Several battalions worth of French, Baden, and Wurttemburg are waiting their turn at the brush.  It may be awhile before another battalion from this project is seen at the painting desk but is was certainly enjoyable to paint these fine figures.

Does this suggest the Peninsular War project is getting closer to the gaming table?  Maybe.


  1. Wonderful looking unit...and this command stand looks so motivated!

    1. Thank you, Phil! The officer is animated, for sure.

  2. The naturalising of the colours, especially the whites has been superbly done.

    1. I always enjoy your thoughtful comments and critical eye, Norm. You sound like an art lover.

  3. These look great Jonathan. Your painting production this year has been outstanding!

    1. Thanks, Rod! The paint brushes have been steady thus far even considering a week away for vacation.

  4. Lovely toys Jonathan...
    I am in complete agreement with you on the Front Rank miniatues...
    I am working on some at the moment and they are a joy to paint.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Much appreciated, Aly!

      Front Rank are superb sculpts and the Reinforcement packs are even better.

      I await seeing your handiwork!

  5. They look great, Jonathan. I didn't realized FR had re-sculpted some of their figures.

    1. Glad you like them, Dean! Some of the basic, line figures have new editions and are exquisite.

  6. That looks excellent, Jon! Front Rank have always been nice figures. I will have to check out the reinforcement packs.

    How did the Victrix flag compare to GMB?

    1. Thanks, Scott!

      Do check out the French and British Reinforcement packs. You will not be disappointed. If so, I will buy what you don't want. How is that for a guarantee?

  7. Really lovely looking peninsula brits, battle report soon?
    Best Iain

    1. You are very kind, Iain. I need a battle before a battle report is possible. Hopefully, I can get a game into the queue. I still have one Mollwitz BatRep to write up.

  8. Nice work Jonathan. I've always liked Front Rank figures.

    1. Thanks, Nathan! You and me both like FR figures. Beautiful sculpts.

  9. Very nice work, and I too am a fan of the reinforcement figures. They are not as well fed as the earlier Front Rank, but don't look out of place next to them. That's a very nice red you have used on these.

    1. Appreciate your kind comment, Lawrence!

      It looks as though FR have many fans. Not as well-fed as their compatriots is true. The Reinforcements are the best of any, I think.

  10. Nice minis indeed, and your brushwork get the best of them :)

    1. I like that sentiment! Sometimes the minis win, sometimes my brushes win!

  11. Nicely painted and based! The flag came out nice as well. Command stands are always my favorite part.

  12. You've done a wonderful job on those Jonathon and I agree, the Front Rank castings are just so crisp and clean aren't they. Very inspiring mate.
