
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

CGM's French Hussars in 18mm

Figures from Campaign Game Miniatures seem to have captured my attention again.  Digging around in The Lead Pile, I came across three packs with a dozen French hussars in total.  With a renewed emphasis on painting 15/18mm figures, why not add these into the painting queue?  That is what I did.  After completing two recent groups of early French in bicorne, a regiment of the 4th Hussars trots off the painting desk.
While I have sung the praises of CGM's infantry before, these French hussars in particular and the cavalry in general are even better.  Horses are robust and well-sculpted and troopers wearing the slung pelisse are splendid.  Great figures, perhaps only bested by AB. 
What is next up for CGM on the painting desk?  With several packs of Austrian dragoons in sight, those will get added into the painting queue next.


  1. A very nicely proportioned figure. I must admit to being fearful of painting so much braiding, but it does make the figure.

    1. CGM's Napoleonic cavalry figures are very nice to my eye. A joy to paint especially when using a more impressionist approach!

  2. Excellent looking Hussars Jonathan. Beautiful work on the uniforms.
    best regards

  3. Nicely done Jonathan...and based on threes I see.

    1. Thanks! This 18mm project has always seen the cavalry based in threes. It is the 28mm Napoleonic project that you have me reconsidering the move from two to three figures per base.

  4. Masterclass painting, they look superb!

  5. A very fine job indeed on my favorite French Hussar regiment, the 4e!

  6. Lovely work on these,Jonathan. Packed with details

    1. Very much appreciated, Dean!
      The figures are packed with good detailing.

  7. Nice use of colors on the group. The braiding turned out well.

    1. Glad you like them! Working on the 18mm figures in anticipation of games later in the year.

  8. Lovely looking napoleonic hussars!
    Best Iain

  9. Good to see your assault on lead mountain showing progress.

    The Campaign Game miniatures have a good range, I did my Prussian Grenadiers using their figures and was very happy with them.

    Good luck with the Austrian Dragoons. I have a desire to tackle some Russian Dragoons (mainly so I can capitalise on my recent completion of some Russian Horse Artillery). Time will tell.

    1. Yes, switching over to painting more 15/18mm figures is starting to produce a steady stream of new units mustering off the painting desk.

      I have a BMU or two of AB Russian dragoons also waiting in the queue for the FRW project. Their appearance is still a ways off, though, as many units out prioritize them in the painting queue. Some day, though...

      I looks forward to seeing your Russian dragoons.

  10. Those are some lovely looking figures and you painted them up nicely.

  11. They all look pretty cool with all that detail. I couldn’t do that good of a job even on a 28mm!

    I even see mustaches! Cool! 😀

  12. Those are nice, Jon. Do you order direct from CGM?

    1. Thank you, Scott.

      I order direct from CGM. Dermot is a nice guy and service is always first-rate. His prices are good too!
