
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Pair of Guns for the Italian Wars

These two guns and crew fall into the category of "I don't really need them but might as well paint them."  Having languished in The Lead Pile with a coat of black primer for three or more years, I could take the taunting no longer.  Finally, the guns and crew saw some attention at the painting desk. 
Guns and Italian crew are from Old Glory's Italian Wars line.  Since most of the other artillery stands in the collection are crewed by Landsknechts, I will be able to field Italians when needed.  Now, the figures can only taunt me from their storage box.
The collection, now quite large, still awaits its baptism of fire on the gaming table.  Will 2018 witness this first outing?  I hope so!


  1. They might not be landsknechts, but those Italians were just as colourful by the looks of things.

    I love the guy on the far left. His face looks brilliant. Top stuff.

    1. That is a good line, Roy! "We might not be Landsknechts but..."

      Glad you approve!

  2. Yes, fine pieces. I was intrigued by the wooden plinth on each base?

    1. Thanks, Norm!

      The plinths are used as a place to affix temporary unit stats for Impetvs (or any other rules' details). That is a good question.

  3. I know the feeling, I've just primed another gun and crew, I've got them they must be painted! To add to the what? Ten already painted plus I've got a pack of those old glory Italian /Swiss crews so that's what 5 more guns! They look splendid and yes please 2018 for the Italian wars! If you do it maybe I will!
    Best Iain

    1. Ten guns already? You are ahead of me. I think adding these two make six total for me. Plenty I think.

      I sure would enjoy getting this collection out on the table for its maiden battle. Now, you have provided even more incentive since I would enjoy seeing your collection in action too!

  4. Nicely done! The Old Glory figures in the Renaissance to Thirty Years War span are really excellent: worth painting.

    1. Thank you, Ed!

      I agree that the OG Renaissance line is one of their better ones.

  5. Nice gun Jonathon. Listen to the taunts and get those figures on table!

    1. Thanks, Peter. I do need to pay more heed to the taunting from the storage boxes.

  6. Nice work Jonathan. I really like the decorative look of those gun barrels.

  7. Those are some very nice artillery pieces Jonathan!


  8. Good luck getting in getting the collection to the game table! I know the feeling. ☹️

  9. You couldn't leave them out Jonathan they look great. I like the crew as well, they could pass for French or Spanish if needed.

    1. Thanks, Oli, and I appreciate the tip about using these artillerymen for either Spanish or French.

      Another unit for the Italian Wars project is seeing action at the painting desk.
