
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Newline Designs' Israelite/Hebrew Spearmen

Following upon my first foray into Newline Designs' range of 28mm Biblicals with Babylonians (see Babylonian Spearmen), a dozen Israeli/Hebrew armored spearmen went onto the painting desk.
With a little more rounded sculpting style than the Perry brothers' Foundry Assyrians, these figures are quite nice.  Similar in style to the Babylonians fielded earlier, I am beginning to appreciate the differences in sculpting styles between the two manufacturers.  Newline Designs' figures that I have are a little heavier than Foundry.  I should add BTD Assyrians into the comparison as well.  To my eye, all three work well within the same army.  
Unlike the Babylonian spearmen standing, these Hebrew did not have the spear molded to the figure.  Rather, the spears are separate and made of a softer and thicker metal than the Northstar spears I typically use.  Since these spears seemed rigid enough, I opted to use them.  Time will tell if that was a wise decision.

These Newline Designs' Biblicals have a bit of Old School charm and, when purchased on sale, are a bargain.  

What is left in the painting queue?  No surprise here.  Several more units for the Assyrian Wars project are making their way through the production line.  Included in these are four more Assyrian heavy chariot upgrades to a regular-sized cavalry base (120mm x 80mm) with accompanying infantry support.  A battle array with these carts on line will be an impressive sight.  Also, my lone Egyptian heavy chariot is getting the same makeover.  That is, rebased onto a 120mm frontage with infantry support.


  1. Another nice ancient unit, a bit more dynamic than the other BTD unit.
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, do you mean the Babylonian Newline unit? Yes, this one is more dynamic.

  2. Replies
    1. Unusual, yes. I thought mixing up the Assyrians with some unusual mercenary-type units would add some interest into the project.

      Thanks for your kind words.

  3. Replies
    1. Much appreciated, Christopher! When will we be treated to more works from you?

  4. You're certainly building up your Biblical armies in record time, Jonathan. I'm looking forward to seeing more Israelites, as I rarely seem them and am interested in their arms and armor.

    1. Dean, this project seems to be humming right along at present. Just waiting for some wrench to fall into the gears and jam the whole thing up!

      For armor, I treated this unit as wearing a linothorax "vest."

  5. Nice looking unit they are really big will have to reduce their range a little 🤔

    1. Thanks, Matt! Yeah, the spears are a bit on the large size. Perhaps they are compensating for something else? Next time, I may stick to my standard Northstar spears.

  6. Very very nice. Fingers crossed for the spears, they do look dangerous?

  7. Excellent Hebrew spearmen Jonathan!

    1. Mike, I needed to throw something different into the Assyrian mix. Glad you like them!

  8. Excellent work. It looks like you are also getting a fairly decent opposition force assembled.

    1. Thanks! They should work as either opposition or auxiliaries. Not too many yet but enough for a few stands.

  9. Very nice looking figures Jonathon - I have looked at Newline on a number of occasions but have never purchased any of the figures as yet - but these ones do look really good.

    1. Thank you! Do give Newline a look; good figures at a great price.

  10. Another very colorful unit. Well done!

  11. Good additions, and a manufacturer I have yet to use. I've never had an urge to add Hebrews/Israelites to my Ancients, but perhaps future consideration is in order.

    1. Newline has many good ancients ranges in 28mm. Sculpting is good too. As for adding Hebrews, I was interested in seeing how they looked in person and they allow me to throw something different into the painting queue. While the Hebrews are very good, I really like the look of the recently finished Babylonian spearmen. I think I'll paint another!

  12. Looking great. I do prefer my spears upright though. But otherwise the Newline and very good value and looking. Have those figures myself.

    1. Thank you! Spears in the thrusting position are ok with me especially for lighter troops. The grounded spear is much easier to work with on a base, though and looks better for heavier troops.
