
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Five Years Before the Screen

Five years have passed before the screen (my thanks to R.H. Dana Jr. for the catchy title which I paraphrase) since the Palouse Wargaming Journal set sail into the blogosphere.  Prodded by only slight nudging from a few friends to "get with the times," I fired up PWJ in September 2012.  My, how time flies and postings accrue.  To date, post count exceeds 800.  Never did I envision having that much material to share.  Many of the posts offer up details on recent painting output but posting units as they depart the painting desk is a good method for chronicling my collections.

Maintaining a blog I discovered to be quite rewarding.  Reporting hobby activities including both painting and playing has provided much enjoyment.  Blogging also provided an incentive and motivation to push on with "just one more unit" in a project I thought finished.  Are projects really ever truly complete?  After more than forty years in the hobby, I still have no answer although some projects remain dormant.  Maintaining the Journal through regular contributions allows me to focus catalog my efforts and track where I have tread and where the next path may lead.  I can look over my shoulder and see what went before even when memory of those activities fades.

Besides curating a large amount of information on my hobby activities, the most rewarding benefit gained is the introduction to a number of like-minded individuals.  Friendships gained through these communications are important and appreciated.

To show my appreciation and gratitude to those who stop by for an occasional visit or regular readers who not only take the time for a visit but also to compose a reply, I offer a drawing for a gift card or three.

The Rules for Contest Entry:
There are two criteria for participating in the drawing (both must be satisfied):

  1. Publicly follow the blog by clicking on the "Follow" button (if you have not already done so). 
  2. Leave a comment to this post declaring your wish be entered into the drawing. 
Get Extra Entries:
  • Top Commenter Bonus: To reward the Top Commenters and to encourage others toward more frequent contributions, the Top 10 will receive additional weightings to their entries. For the verbose Top 10, to your singular entry, you will receive additional entries equal to the inverse order of your ranking.  That is, Dartfrog gets ten more entries while Cyrus would receive one additional entry.
  • Publicize the Contest: If a contestant is, perhaps, willing to reduce the probability of winning by prompting others to join in, publicize this Give-Away on your blog.  Put a link back to your blog in the comments for verification.  In exchange for possibly diluting your change of winning, you get five extra entries.
The Prizes:
If your winning entry is pulled from the Random Sampling (without replacement) Hat, the winner will receive an electronic gift card to the wargaming vendor of your choice.  It is the winner's choice but the vendor must offer the purchase and delivery of an electronic gift card. is an example of a book vendor fitting this criteria as are Eureka Miniatures, Brigade Games, and Newline Designs. There are many others.  If the winner can find a vendor offering this capability, gift card will be purchased and voucher sent on via email. 

3 x USD $25.00 Gift Cards will be awarded

Contest will close 22SEP2017.
Good Luck!


  1. Jonathon - please enter me in your draw. Thanks for 5 years before the screen - it's great to follow your adventures, especially as your interests tend to overlap my odd interests so well at times.
    PS How mow much do I need to clog your comment box to get in the top 10?

    1. Oh yes and consider yourself shamelessly pimped!

    2. Thanks, Peter! We both have odd interests. What does that suggest? Your in the drawing and you have a referral too! Great job!

    3. I make no comments on your interests on the grounds that it may incriminate me...
      Thanks again Jon

  2. Congrats on the 5 years ablogging!!! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway please!

    1. You're in, Ray! How is your run of luck with contests lately?

  3. Congrats on the 5 years ablogging!!! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway please!

    1. Ray! Trying to slip an extra in past the Watchman? Well, it might work!

  4. Always entertaining Jon, and your blog is a perfect way for me to catalog how high a hill I have yet to slog with each project.

    1. Thank you, Jake! You have been a worthy and pleasant opponent over the decades even when we dart off onto a new project.

  5. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy the cycling posts as well. Looking forward to many more.

    1. Dan, glad to see you enjoy the cycling posts! Perhaps I will include them more frequently?

  6. What a superb idea, but I think it should be the other way around .... we should all get you a gift for the unstinting way that you support other peoples blog as well as inspiring others to paint via your own blog. Thank you.

    I would of course be pleased to enter the draw, if only to stop Ray winning, who has just entered himself twice :-)

    1. Norm, you are very kind; very much appreciated!

      Say, I think it bit a cheeky of Ray to try to slip an extra chit into the drawing. Glad you are vigilant and ready to counteract his trickery.

    2. Good job he is a 'Good Egg'.

    3. He is, no doubt. Ray seems to have a propensity to winning these contests. A few years ago he was really on a roll with a long lucky streak. We will see if that luck holds this time.

  7. Hi Jonathan, as one of your regular followers who fails to sufficiently thank you for your efforts and your entertaining blog I shall do so now! Your deliberations and adventures have even reached Belgium, and I for one thoroughly enjoy them without the extra incentive. So here's to the next five years!

    1. Welcome! Good that you find something of interest to keep you returning.

  8. Congratulations on the landmark! Well done for continuing to provide us with interesting material.

    Please enter me into the draw.

    1. Good to see you back, Edwin! Your name is in the hat!

  9. Congratulations on the milestone, Jonathan.

    If you like, put my name into the hat and if I win you can keep the prize and use it to buy some stuff for any newbie who pops along to play with yourself and who doesn't have any toys of their own. Win, win, then for the hobby.

    1. Thank you, Roy! If your name is drawn, we can redraw if you have not changed your mind.

    2. Ha, alright Jonathan, I tell you what, then. If my name's drawn from the hat, we'll sort something out and I'll have some stuff that I can use with my own gaming in the Catterick Garrison area of the UK for exactly the same purpose :)

    3. Roy, you are in for another five entries for your embarrassingly kind publicity over on your blog. Good luck!

    4. Righto, Jonathan. Sorry if I went OTT, but credit where credit is due and you do offer a good read on a regular basis.

  10. Well done on 5 years of blogging, Jon!

    Please throw my hat into the voucher ring.

    1. Thanks, Greg! Your name is in the hat.
      Good to see you back too!

  11. Happy blog day! I find your blog plenty rewarding, win, lose or draw (get it?). Enter me, of course, but more importantly, please keep up the excellent content.

    1. Thanks, Ed! You are in the drawing. I appreciate your encouragements.

  12. Sign me up for the drawing - I came via peters post so he can have my winnings if I get drawn

    1. Welcome! Looks like Peter is trying to stack the drawing in his favor. I say, "well done!"

  13. I'm in Jon! Given how often I visit here I'm a bit ashamed I haven't commented more often - or at least not often enough to end up in the top commentators list! Being a fan of this sort of thing I have also put a pimping post together:

    1. Excellent, Nathan! You get another five slips into the drawing.

    2. Nathan, one of your own recent blog posts was the catalyst for this exercise so I am glad to see you jump into the contest.

  14. Well done on 5 years, it's always interesting good luck with it all.
    Best Iain

  15. Happy 5th Birthday .........Palouse. Very pleased to be entered in the draw, I am already planning what to spend the prize on 😀😀😀

  16. Congrats, Jonathan! I won't enter - seeing your work getting a public hand clap and a cheer is reward enough for me.

    Keep on keepin' on, and here's to the next five!

    Cheers and best wishes,

  17. Congratulations Jonathan! I've quite enjoyed your blog over the years and hope you continue to do so. Please enter me in the drawing.


    1. Christopher, you are in!
      Your continued encouragement has provided me with much motivation. Thank you!

  18. Five years...Congratulations Jonathan. Your post made me look at my history and surprising I will hit five years next January. I must plan something...

    1. I look forward to celebrating your 5-year in January!

    2. Oddly enough I was thinking of something to celebrate 300 posts, that should occur about year's end, and hadn't even registered that it was the five year anniverasary. Before we left on our trip I had a ckean up in my study and found three 15mm buildings that I think I will paint up and offer as prizes!

    3. With your skill at putting together buildings, that would be a treat!

      I picked up issues 45 and 47 of MW so no need to scan them for me.

      Good Morning Vietnam!

  19. Congrats on the milestone Jonathan, always a pleasure to come here!

    1. Thanks, Phil! Your steady support is much appreciated!

  20. Congrats on the 5 year anniversary! Always a highlight to see what you are working on next. :) I'd like to be in the draw as well.

  21. Well done for keeping up the posts for 5 years. Please put my name in the draw. Thanks.

    1. Thank you, Peter!
      You are added into the drawing with +5 entries for contest promotion.
      Good luck!

  22. Just found you and so glad I have. I have much catching up to do. I didn't even come for the free prize but you may enter me if it seems fair.

  23. Great blog congrats on 5 year milestone.

    1. Thanks! I enjoy all the game replays on your fine blog too!

  24. Count me in, of course, Jon! As you know, my post linking to the contest is up at:

    1. You are in, Peter, with an extra five entries for the blog publicity.

      Good luck!

  25. Ok I'm in too thanks Jon, and congratulations on the anniversary!
    Post on my blog here :)

    1. Thanks! You are in the drawing with bonus entries for posting on your blog.
      Good luck!

  26. Very kind jonathan, congratulations on the mile stone!!! Good luck to the contestants. I'll sit and watch from the sidelines.
