
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Chariot Rebasing Part II

The notion of rebasing the 28mm Assyrian chariots from one chariot per 60mm x 80mm base to one chariot per 120mm x 80mm base got a hard think following the first rebasing trial (see A Rebasing Dilemma).  It really was not a hard decision at all.  The new configuration has a pleasing look so I forged ahead with the plan to rebase the eight remaining Assyrian chariots.

Well, the next four chariots have completed their conversion including the painting of three foot figures to accompany each chariot.  Below are the results for the first four of eight chariots:

I like the look of one cart per 120mm frontage.  The addition of infantry support tends to fill out the composition of the stand so that it looks fully occupied.
For comparison, the five rebased chariots were placed in the first line with a two chariot stand equivalent in the back rank.  The single chariot with infantry support looks just as good (or better) than two chariots adjacent on half sized bases.  In battle line, shown below, it looks impressive.  
With five Assyrian chariots converted, four remain to convert.  That means another dozen infantry support needs to be painted.

That also means the sole Egyptian chariot required a conversion as well.  I like the look of it too.
All of these chariot conversions have ramifications to another project.  The 28mm Punic Wars project fields two Celtic/Gallic chariots on a single half-sized base.  Yep.  They will need conversion to two large bases as well along with painting a half-dozen infantry supports.

With thoughts of a Punic Wars game a week from today, I better get busy if the Gallic chariots are to see action on the gaming table.  The madness never ends.


  1. These look a real spectacle, there must be a lovely heft to those bases.

    1. A battle line of these chariots is a spectacle, indeed! When plunked onto the table, these chariot stands will not be easily displaced by an accidental shove.

  2. Having the newly based chariots more spaced out when positioned base to base edge does appear more natural (to my uneducated eye). The two 60x60 chariots stood together looked too unnatural, really - unless, I suppose, they were duelling in fight or going in for a specific target. Added bonus to basing a single chariot on a 120mm frontage is, you've now got "more bang for your buck." (which US wargames company uses/d that slogan? it's really got me scratching my head!)

    1. Yeah, my chariots are now "spaced-out." I like that! For me, changing up the basing composition works and I double the number of chariot BMUs!

      "More bang for your buck" slogan needs pondering. Old Glory perhaps but that is not their current catch phrase?

    2. I've just realised I may be completely wrong, and the slogan I'm thinking of was "More Oink for your buck." Belonging the UK's Peter Pig. To be honest, its that long ago since I saw it's use in a WI magazine that I'll probably never remember - though I would have thought it more suitable for a US business to use the idiom than a UK one.

  3. Marvelous. I still need to get some of those tufts!

    1. Thank you, Greg! If your name is pulled in the drawing, Tajima1 tufts could be on your shopping list.

  4. Somewhat contrary to my expectations, I really like the look of the chariots with runners. Not that I will be re-basing mine. My feelings on rebatsing are, I trust well known! :-)

    1. Peter, your thoughts on rebasing are well documented! Very pleased to read that you are warming to this chariot basing scheme. It is a scheme, you know. You may be compelled to rebase...

    2. NO worries there. As my 4 horse chariots now see use chiefly in To the Strongest!, they look just fine with an 800 frontage in a 150 mm box. :-)

    3. A 120mm frontage fits into your 150mm box too!

    4. You should know that Jon has a well established lack of fear when it comes to re-basing.

    5. So true! Rebasing is like getting a whole NEW army!

  5. Looking great Jonathon. Love the massed chariotry.
    Cheers, Peter

  6. They each look like mini-dioramas. Well-done, and you're gonna need some table-top space to maneuver all of them! :)

    1. Building a mini-diorama is one of the strengths of Impetvs and I have a large table...

  7. Much better visually with the side runners, with the added benefit of doubling your chariot force!
    Best Iain

    1. I agree! Thanks for weighing in with your preference.

  8. Jonathan - very much timely food for thought for me. I have just done my first Gaul chariot base and I put two on there. I was also going over my elephant plans and revising them to two to a stand. But - your one above look so good I may well be revising that again and including more of supports along side them.


    1. Thanks, Richard! See my similar treatment of a single elephant with supports at,

  9. Great work and these have turned out very nicely indeed.

  10. The shot of that battleline: wow! What a grand spectacle a game with these will be. Looking forward to seeing the Assyrian array, arrayed (if ye' follow me).

    1. "Array, Arrayed"...
      There are still a number of Assyrians working their way through the painting queue. Once finished with those, it will be time to take an army photo and assess what I've done. As in, "My God, what have I done!"

  11. I'm in love with your chariots, stunning job and spectacular units...very tempting, this Assyrian army!

  12. I think your four horse chariots benefit more from the rebase than even my smaller Egyptian ones. The extra room really helps them stand out and you can see the detail better. Well done.

    1. The chariots on a larger base with infantry supports works well for me. If five arrayed in battle line looks good, imagine how nine of these monsters laid out will look.

      Two such armies will look smashing on the gaming table.

  13. Really nice work, agreed the basing looks very good!
