
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Parade Review - Great Game Project

After having recently completed the last of the Russian Cossacks in The Lead Pile and with the number of storage boxes piling up for the 28mm Great Game project, this morning figures were pulled from their boxes and set up for a parade review.  As figures are painting and quickly stored away, it is easy to lose focus on the status of a project.  
This was not the only motivator for the parade.  Over dinner, we began discussing the next game to tackle.  While the debut of my Russians and Natives was planned but aborted in November, Kevin suggested we try again for a December start.  Sounds good to me!  
Kevin will be hosting the game and rumors abound of a great terrain building project going on in Kevin's workshop.  He makes handsome and intricate terrain pieces so I look forward to seeing what he developed for us to fight over.  My hope is that the Russians are not obligated to attack a strong fortress until they have been tested in open combat first.

To help Kevin plan the engagement, below are what the Russians are capable of fielding:

  • 3 x Russian Infantry Battalions
  • 1 x Russian Hussar Regiment
  • 2 x Russian Cossack Regiments
  • 1 x Russian Lancer Regiment
  • 2 x Russian Cossack guns
  • 1 x Sikh Cavalry Regiment
  • 1 x Afghan Irregular Cavalry Regiment
  • 3 x Native guns
  • 4 x Sikh Infantry Battalions

That is quite a sizable force!  Of course, not all must see battle but the OB is laid out for consideration.  Perhaps by December one more Russian Infantry battalion can be mustered?  Maybe a Native Emir can be found to provide a local liaison?  Figures are all Wargames Foundry.


  1. That's a tidy little army. It looks great, too.

    1. Tidy until they meet the enemy then we will see how they fight! Appreciate the comment, Roy!

  2. WooW!and this is a collection!
    Great looking army sir!

  3. Great looking force, yes it's a cavalry heavy one in the case of the Russians and it would be nice to see an Amir. I particularly like the Sikh artillery.
    Best Iain

    1. A preponderance of Russian cavalry I marked down to the need for covering vast distances on the frontier. Yeah, that's it! Enough figures remain to field two more battalions of Russian foot. Fielding those will readdress the imbalance. Glad you like the Sikh artillery!

  4. A lovely collection. rather nice animation on he cavalry.

    1. Thank you, Norm! The Foundry native horse are nicely animated and look much less formal than their Russian counterparts.

  5. Most impressive collection Jonathan...spectacular!

  6. Wow, Jon! I had no idea your project had gotten so large!

    1. Scott! It is so easy to lose control of a project when you paint and immediately put the models away in a box. Parade ground reviews are a good way to recalibrate those accumulations.

  7. Smashing stuff! It's always good to hold a parade no matter the reason.

    1. Appreciate your support, Michael! Parade ground maneuvers rarely have a downside.

  8. A fine;y balanced, smart looking force. Now to temper their steel in (miniature) battle!

    1. Thanks, Peter. With luck, these troops will see action in the not too distant future.

  9. Wonderful looking army Jonathan! I'm sure it gives you a very satisfied feeling of accomplishment.


    1. Thank you very much, Christopher! Since a project is rarely actually complete, accomplishment is often just out of grasp.

  10. Fantastic Jonathan, and a testament to your one unit at a time approach. I'm marveling at a period I'm completely unfamiliar with. So cool that you have a partnership with Kevin. Good luck on their first dustup!

    1. Thank you, Monty! Kevin has been running a campaign set during this time period. I had only a cursor knowledge of the First Afghan War, Indian Mutiny, and Sikh Wars before starting out. When Kevin suggested Russians might be useful, I thought, why not field a small force?

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks! Project size sneaks up on me unless I pull the figures out once in awhile.
