
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Prussians for the APW/FPW?

In one on my more recent resupplies from Lancashire Games, a battle pack of Prussian infantry from the mid-19th Century ranges found its way into the shopping cart.  Ordered was the advancing pack as a sample of the Prussian figures.  With 60 rank and file figures per Battle Pack, several commands set were added into the cart as well.  Enough figures to field three or four infantry battalions.  When the package arrived, close inspection revealed excellent sculpting on these Prussians.   
Am I branching out from the 1859 conflict to creep into the Austro-Prussian or Franco-Prussians wars?  Perhaps. Expansion into the other two conflicts would likely remain in the future since the 1859 project still has room to grow and many other projects vie for my painting time.  When I do expand, the Austrians, Italians, and French can all do double duty in another theater.  Economy!
The Prussians are a joy to paint.  Simple uniforms that paint very quickly.  I imagine being able to field a brigade of Germans quite rapidly for a small demonstration game.  These sixteen foot soldiers mustered off the painting desk in rapid fashion.  Then, Prussians were always good at quick mobilization.  So rapidly mustered, they had no time to obtain their flag.  Search is on for a suitable flag. 

Once more progress is made on the 1859 front, thoughts will certainly return to fielding more Prussians. 


  1. Is that a 60mm x 30mm base? and does a battalion equal 1 base? I ask because I am looking at denity / frontages for some 12mm ACW and I like the look of your bases.

    1. Norm, this base is 90mm x 30mm to accommodate the larger Prussian battalion. French and Italian battalions are based on a 60mm x 30mm base. Yes, each BMU represents one battalion and is one stand.

  2. nice work. I am going to pretend you did not start doing Prussians as the call of the Iron Chancellor is difficult to resist.

    1. Well, Jake, then I can halt Prussian mobilization and defer to you!

    2. That's OK. I have an abortive collection of around 100 10mm Prussians I painted many years back.

  3. Nicely done, they look superb!

  4. Nice sculpts and of course nicely painted, there was me thinking the standard was rolled up and covered with an oilcloth! They will look better with a standard.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Creating the look of a rolled up flag in oilskin is a good idea! I bet that could be accomplished by wrapping tissue paper around the flag pole and painting. I may give it a try.

  5. Another fine looking regiment Jonathan!


  6. The Prussians look super, Jon. I'm not sure, but I think by this time they may have gone to one standard pattern flag, but who knows - they could still be using flags from the 7YW, too!

    This always seemed to me another good era for an "imaginations" type set up (Crimean War through 1st Schleswig-Holstein War). Are you familiar with the computer game, Imperialism? That sort of vibe.

    1. Peter, appreciate your kind words! As for flags, I recall reading that some regiments had flags going back to the SYW and the Napoleonic Wars. Only the most recently raised regiments had the later, standardized flag. This requires more investigation.

      I am not much (ok, not at all) a computer gamer so I have no experience with Imperialism. With so many small mid-19th Century conflicts, one really does not need to create Imagi-Nations since possibilities abound. Do you agree?

  7. A great job painting these figures. Have you seen the Oldglory15s Prussian range? I've painted up several hundred and am very satisfied overall with the quality.

    1. Thanks, Don! Very good to see you back for a visit! I have not seen any of the Old Glory Prussians but I do like the Austrians and Sardinians.

      What have you been working on recently?
