
Monday, November 14, 2016

Assyrian Chariot #2 Rehab

On to the next in a long line of planned Assyrian chariot refurbishments.  Having tackled the first of nine recently, the plan is to forge ahead to refurbish and rebase the remaining eight chariots.
Chariot #2 on the work desk required wheels to be reattached and the yoke to be removed and repositioned.  With a few touch-ups, a Minwax stain and a new, smaller base, this war cart is ready for action.

Having finally overcome the inertia to rehabilitating these models, thoughts are turning towards building two Basic Impetvs forces for a small game.  While the Foundry figures are excellent (the nine chariots are all Wargames Foundry), Newline Designs is getting consideration for building out the foot troops.  Especially with a Christmas sale in progress, Newline represents a very good value.
Two down; seven to go.


  1. Seven more to go? Wow, hope they'll be as beautiful as this one...I hope to have the courage to start an Assyrian chariot army soon, yours are wonderful!

    1. Yes, seven more chariots to go in this process. You should put an Assyrian chariot army on your Christmas list!

  2. Those are looking great. I can't even tell they were ever in a state other than pristine.

  3. Fantastic work, they look great, I've got some newline figures, they're very nice and would go well with foundry I think.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! I have a number of Newline Trojans that have yet to see a paint brush. I agree, they are good looking figures and work well with Foundry.

  4. Great Assyrian chariot Jonathan! The Newline Assyrians are good value and Eureka are worth a look as well.

    1. Appreciate your encouraging comments, Mike! As for Newline as a good value, I agree! I will give Eureka a look too. Thanks for the recommendation.

  5. These are cleaning up quite nicely
