
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

28mm ACW Federal Guns

As the year draws to a close, pushing a few units into the painting queue to reach a project milestone is often considered.  Such is the situation with my very limited scope 28mm ACW project.  Several years ago, a few regimental packs of Sash & Saber figures along with a quartet of Old Glory Federal guns and crew were purchased.  The goal was to build a small brigade-sized force to throw into battle in one of Scott's ACW games.  Even though Scott has a large collection, I always enjoy being able to contribute figures for the table.  Will I be able to keep the project at a token force?  I think so. 
The first step towards that goal was to field the 114th Pennsylvania Regiment (see: Collis' Zouaves) about a year ago.  The second regiment mustered was the 140th NY Volunteer Infantry Regiment (see: 140th NY) this past summer.  Today, four Federal guns and crew are called up for service. 
One more infantry regiment remains to deploy to complete the brigade.  Despite the progressive rarity of Zouave units as the war wore on, the third regiment will be a second Zouave regiment.  Perhaps a bit anachronistic but I am drawn to the colorful Zouave uniform.  That Zouave regiment will be mustering out shortly.


  1. Impressive line of guns, beautiful job!

  2. Good looking battery. Love to see them in action

  3. Lovely, they have presence! Makes me want to crack on with my guns.

    1. Thank you, Norm! Get on with your guns! Do you need to field artillery for your replay that is underway on your blog?

    2. I have enough 10mm artillery for my current pinboard AAR ..... but I have 28mm artillery in the background begging to be done and it does something for me that 10mm doesn't.

    3. ACW in 10mm is the sweet spot for me but as you can see, 28mm is OK too!

  4. Very nice work. I like these a lot.

  5. Replies
    1. When the guns are in action, they will literally be "smashing!"

  6. Nice looking battery! Does Scott use Regimental Fire and Fury for his ACW games?

    1. Thank you! It has been so long since Scott's 28s have been on the table, I do not quite recall. My hunch is that have used "Guns at Gettysburg" with the 28s. I am sure Scott will correct me.

  7. Nice work, can't wait to see them belching flame. Federal Artillery is the unsung hero of the war, doesn't get enough credit. So much history focuses on the superiority of Confederate Cavalry...but is silent about Henry Jackson Hunt as Chief Artillery Officer of the Army of the Potomac. Just finished a book on his decisions and staff work during the Gettysburg Campaign.

    1. Thanks! In many ACW rules, artillery is a death dealer. One learns to respect artillery and give them a wide berth if possible.

  8. A TRIPLE AAA Battery me thinks. Great painting and basing Jonathan.

  9. Great looking unit. Be careful as I have found that these limited projects have a tendency to run wild on you...

    1. Appreciate your warning, Jake! We both know this is a perilous path.

  10. Very cool minis Jon, kinda made me wanna watch Gettysburg again, love that scene when the Confederate artillery opens up on the angle, right before Picket's Charge...

    1. Soren, very good to hear from you! I have not seen Gettysburg in years. Maybe I should consider watching it again?

  11. Great looking artillery, anachronistic or not I agree you've got to have the zouaves!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Anachronism lives on my battlefield!

  12. Great work, the Brigade will be the business once you finished.
    Playing with other people’s figures is like wearing someone else’s shoes they may fit okay and look fine, but it just not the same.

    1. Steve, you put my sentiments regarding others' figures so well. I enjoy having my own troops "at risk" on the table and have a sentimental attachment to their welfare.

  13. Great looking battery of guns Jonathan!


  14. Great guns, Jon. Must be all the cycling! :-)
