
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Once More Unto the Breach, My Friends

Federal guns of 1 NH LT Battery survey the battlefield
Yes, once more into the breach with a second refight of the Action at Brawner's Farm.  The second trial of the scenario is set for a playthrough Friday evening in a version of Friday Night at the Fights. I remember following EEL's Friday Night at the Fights and the exploits of that gaming group from long ago.  What fun they had!
Battlefield showing initial dispositions
Following the outcome from the first game (see: Action at Brawner's Farm BatRep), I decided to make a few modifications to the scenario.  While the game resulted in an historical outcome, the dominance of Scott's forming of a Federal grand battery on the Federal left gave some concern.  To mitigate that response, the Federals have lost one battery and the 1 NH LT guns begin the game already deployed upon the high ground at Dogan's House.  Also very slight adjustments to Confederate arrival times have been considered.  The outcome may remain as before but an aggressive Jackson might be able to make a bit more progress.

Rules: Regimental Fire and Fury
Game area: 6' x' 6'
First Player: Confederate
Game Start: 5:15pm beginning with Confederate Turn
Game End:  8:30pm
Twilight at 7:45pm
Key Positions: Brawner's Farm (held by Confederates), Dogan's House (held by Federals)

Heavy Casualties: Federal = 34; Confederate = 47
Reinforcement Schedule:
At 5:15pm, only Baylor's brigade, Alleghany, Danville, and Staunton batteries are present on table for the Confederates.  Union troops in column along Warrenton Turnpike with Gibbon's brigade in the van and Doubleday following up about half mile behind.  4-US-B battery begins along Warrenton Turnpike near Dogan's house.  1 NH LT artillery deployed at Dogan's House. Other Federal guns dispersed throughout column.

Confederate Reinforcements:
6:00pm: Jackson, 26 GA, 60 GA
6:15pm: Maryland, Courtney batteries at railroad cut near Stony Ridge, Rockbridge battery at railroad cut northwest of Brawner Farm.
6:45pm: Ewell, Trimble with brigade at railroad cut near Stony Ridge; Lawton and brigade at railroad cut near copse of trees north of Brawner's Farm.
7:45pm: W.B Taliaferro, A.G. Taliaferro and brigade at woods northwest of Brawner's Farm.

Federal Reinforcements: None
Gibbon on the march
We will see what happens in Round 2 of Brawner's Farm.


  1. Replies
    1. Your response is not surprising. Jackson still will require luck to get better than a draw.

    2. I seem to remember Lee commenting that musketry sounded impressive, but it was artillery that killed men. I think it was at Cold Harbor.

  2. Thank you - looking forward too the game unfolding.

    1. In multiple playings, one begins to pick up a few of the nuances and alt-outcomes to a particular battle. Alternative options are in players' minds before the game.

  3. Looks like it's going to be a good another good one Jonathan and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.


    1. Hi Christopher, we will see if either side learned lessons from the first game that can be useful in the second. Should be fun.

  4. Great looking scenario Jonathan, enjoy round two!

  5. Looks like it'll be another great game.
    Best Iain

  6. Always enjoy your reports, Jonathan!


  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil! Once battle is joined, the tranquility of the scene will not remain.

  8. Very handsome table! Along with the others, I look forward to the rematch!

    1. I will not spoil the surprise by reporting the outcome prematurely...

  9. I will tease the outcome with this: It was a terrible nail biter at times

    1. So true. Both tails of the probability distribution saw heavy action all evening.
