
Friday, October 14, 2016

Jeff "Bluebear" Hudelson

As others have noted before me, I mourn the loss of Jeff "BlueBear" Hudelson having yielded in his long struggle against cancer.

We happened upon one another through our blogging efforts.  Jeff had a great interest in the English Civil War as do I.  With more projects than I can regularly get into the gaming rotation, Jeff frequently chided me into getting the collection out onto the gaming table with more frequency.  After several email exchanges discussing gaming and ECW rules, I took up this challenge and fielded my ECW figures on the battlefield for a series of games covering two battles and employing several rules.  His interest in the era motivated me to bring this project to the fore.

With Jeff's health becoming a challenge and treatments increasing, I would occasionally send a book to help pass the time while he either convalesced or took chemotherapy.  Often email discussions were kept short due to what Jeff classified as "Chemo-brain."

In late 2014, Jeff was particularly fatigued due to illness and treatments.  To help him pass the time, I sent along Hyde's Wargame Compendium.  Jeff was thrilled to receive the massive tome.  Later when Jeff read here that I had opened a Secret Santa gift prematurely,  Jeff sent along a copy of The Colonial Wars Sourcebook with the letter and handwritten note shown above. 

Jeff, your letter and note will remain in this text as a reminder of your kindness and friendship.  Every time I catch a glance of this book on the bookshelf or pull it down for a browse, these items will always remind me of your positive spirit, generosity and determination while enduring a very difficult struggle.

Rest in Peace, my friend.  


  1. What a great guy, and what a sad loss.

  2. It's rather dusty in here... Lovely post.

  3. It always hurts to lose on of our own, and a friend at that.

  4. Good post - a moment to stop and reflect.

  5. Good post, sad post but a good one.
    Best Iain

  6. Such a shame, his blog Emperor vs Elector was one of the first I followed.

  7. Your kind comments much appreciated, guys.
