
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Great Italian Wars Command

Another pack included in my recent Casting Room Miniatures' order is this general and two attendants.  On Casting Room Miniatures' website, he is listed as Francesco Bussone da Carmagnola.  Francesco is from a period earlier than the Great Italian Wars that I am building but he should fit in well with the collection.  And, I could always use more command stands. 
Sculpting is of a rounded style that I mentioned in an earlier, Casting Room Miniatures' post (see: Mounted Arquebusiers).  Some bits of anatomy appear a little "off" to my eye especially with respect to arms but still, solid figures nonetheless.  The style reminds me of Bob Murch's Pulp Fiction sculpting style and I do enjoy those!    
A few more packs from Casting Room Miniatures' Renaissance range are in the painting queue with a trio of mounted crossbowmen to muster off the table soon.


  1. Brilliant! well fed :o) figures? but I do like the mounted leader, who perhaps needs his teeth brushed ;oP

    Great work Jonathan!


  2. Great looking work. The sculpt does capture the look of a self-assured general delivering a bombastic and possibly delusional order....

    1. Thank you, Jake! Your description fits a number of tabletop commanders in which I sometimes count myself.

  3. Another fine addition to your GIW collection Jonathon. I use figures from the earlier period too. As long as you're not doing landschnecks they fit in just fine.
    Cheers, Peter

    1. Appreciate the comment and justification, Peter! I think it look fine too.

  4. Wonderful looking command Jonathan!


  5. Wonderful work Jonathan. I really like how colorful you made the stand.

  6. Excellent command stand Jonathan!

  7. Ooooh, I do like these. Always nice to have some different figures for Commanders!
    BTW, I redid the Numidian shields according to Phil's excellent suggestion.

    1. Yes, it is fun to have a mix of different manufacturers within one project as long as figures are reasonably compatible. These CR figures fit in well size-wise with the all of the other ranges present in my CIW collection. I think I am at five different manufacturers now.

      That was a nifty suggestion by Phil with respect to thumbprints on Numidian shields. Phil is a true artist. When I get a thumbprint on something it is never by design!

  8. Not a fan of the Casting Room range (Condottieri as was) but your vignette does really look good. Nice.

    1. This was my first order from Casting Room Miniatures. I have mentioned the sometimes odd figure anatomy so I agree with your assessment. some figures look quite good. I bought a few Trojan chariots and they look good to me. we will see how they look after a slap of paint.

  9. Fantastic looking fellows!! Cheers!

  10. Great looking figures, human variation, these guys are just a bit chubby!
    Best Iain
