
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pulp Figures - Rocket Corps in 28mm

For something really different from the typical parade of historical figures trooping across my painting desk, off the table today is a quintet of U.S. Rocketmen.  Yep.  Completely off the wall, this batch.  Figures are from the creative hand of Bob Murch.   
This pack of Rocketmen has lingered in The Lead Pile for a couple of years after getting the itch to see a few of Murch's figures in hand.  Having ordered a half dozen packs and scrutinizing them closely, I was even more impressed with the quality of craftmanship.  Excellent figures, each full of character.  Being particularly fond of the U.S infantry uniform of the Spanish American War, I opted to put these flying freedom fighters in the uniform from this period.  Perhaps a bit anachronistic but I like the color combination.     
While there is no plan to build an immense project of pulp figures, some of the other packs may see activity on the painting desk. What to do with these Rocket Corps figures?  Well, included in that initial order were a couple of packs of German Zeppelin crew and other baddies.  I could envision a small, pulp fiction clash in which these U.S. Rocketmen face off against their German adversaries.  Plenty to ponder.


  1. Really nice, Jon. I like the color scheme, which has a very flashy "retro" look to it. Joe has a long running pulp Project with German Zeppelin crews, Police, and goodness knows what else. I am presently eyeing the new CONGO rules, and thinking my Colonial Portuguese might fit in there... along with the bulk lead African fauna I bought at Historicon 2015. Hmmmm...

    1. Thank you, Peter! These are really nifty figures. i must get the Zeppelin crew into the painting queue.

      For CONGO, are you planning a pulpy type of project or something else?

    2. From what I can see, Congo is a scenario driven game of exploration in a semi pulpy version of "Darkest Africa". There are some pre-order sales, and the components look nice, but it is pricey so I think I will await more information. It has figures sets fro Foundry, but no real requirement to use just those figures.

    3. Interestingly, the On Military Matters flyer hit my inbox this afternoon with an advert for CONGO.

      Years ago, i was nearly sucked into Darkest Africa when Foundry and Wargames Illustrated were promoting the range rather heavily. Still have many of the DA articles from WI. I could see the fun in an exploration game where all of the active players were on the same side and all opposition are controlled by a GM.

  2. Love the idea for the uniform on these guys!

  3. Great looking figures, nicely painted as always.
    Best Iain

  4. I really like the uniforms on these. Nicely done
