
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Sikh Irregular Artillery for The Great Game

Continuing with a slow build-up of British adversaries in the Great Game project, off the painting desk is one gun with a Sikh crew of irregulars.  Figures are from Wargames Foundry's Sikh Wars range.
The plan for my portion of the project is to field a Russian Expeditionary Force supplemented by native contingents.  These natives will be a mix of Indians and Afghans many of which can fight for either their Russian or British handlers. 
Two more native guns are in the painting queue with two Russian limber teams currently on the painting desk.  Rumors flow that the British are anxious for a fight.  Confidence is high that the Russians can take to the field with prospects of success.  Still, calling up more Russian regulars might be a prudent stance.  Yet to be recruited, outfitted, and mustered into service are one battalion of Russian infantry and a couple of pulks of Cossacks.  These recruits are a long way down in the painting queue, for now.  After the Russian limbers are completed, back to the 1859 project for a bit.


  1. Nice simple paintjob - when will they be seeing action?

    1. Nice...simple...that's me!

      Who knows when these lads will see action? Perhaps during the fall campaigning season?

  2. Marvelous.

    I am watching your basing with interest. These are Tajima tufts? If so, I like the color range.


    1. Thank you, Greg! Tajima tufts, they are. I used the yellow and brown on this stand. Great, self-adhesive product.

  3. Oh I like these, nice and usable for a variety of forces, which is always best and as always very nice finish on some lovely figures.
    Best Iain

  4. Great looking Artillery unit, Jon! Won't mistake *them* for European regulars!

    1. Thank you, Peter! Not Europeans, for sure! Luckily, they have the flexibility to fight on either side of a conflict.

  5. Wonderful, absolutly wonderful!!
