
Monday, August 1, 2016

Great Italian Wars Command

Another pair of Landsknecht officers moves into the Completed column of the painting ledger.  As the commanders before it, this stand is comprised of Wargames Foundry figures from the Renaissance range.  With the addition of this command, the project now musters three such two-figure command stands.  Sufficient for my gaming needs at present. 
Being out of town for the second weekend running, painting has slowed to a dribble but time for a few painting sessions should pop up during the first two weeks of August.  Painting queue is full with planned items awaiting the production line to pick up the pace once again.
On the subject of getting hobby activities moving again, gaming has been very hard to grab this year.  Despite a three game April, the summer has seen no FtF gaming.  With a little luck, perhaps August will see an improvement?  In the meantime, Brawner's Farm remains on the game table and I look forward to setting aside time to begin that refight.

Regarding my recent WIN10 upgrade, the machine is still running under the new OS (hooray!) and a reinstallation of MS Access has resurrected the Painting Log from "file not found" errors.  Still, I ought to make an effort to convert from MS Access to Libre Offices' Base before my old version of Access gives up the ghost. 


  1. Beatiful command Jonathan! I love colours of uniforms!

  2. Great stuff! And glad to hear that W10 is behaving so far...

    1. Thank you! I am happy that Win 10 seems to be behaving OK too.

  3. Superb stuff great colours and detail my friend

  4. Lovely command group ,I hope w10 is working out for you w10 installed itself without any intervention from me and to be honest it's considerably better than we but that was mostly because w8 was rubbish! I've taken your advice and got rid of the data gathering features while I still can!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! I went from WIN7 directly to WIN10 with no stop at WIN8. I heard that WIN8 was no good so kept WIN7 until now. WIN7 always worked pretty well for me. WIN10 is behaving for now.

  5. Great command figures Jonathan!

  6. Great looking commanders and the basing is wonderful Jonathan.


  7. Great looking command stand Jonathan!


  8. Fantastic, Jonathan, these fellows do shine! I think this is the only period that matches the color and pageantry of Napoleonics.

    Glad to hear you put OS 10 to bed. Nothing worse than wasting painting and hobby time on a tech issue. I accidentally killed my blog trying to fix Google + comments and barely was able to bring it back.

    1. It is a colorful period, no doubt!

      Too bad about your experience with temporarily wrecking your blog attempting to alter Google+. What more could be accomplished if technology did not trip us up from time to time?

  9. Now those are rather splendid Jonathan!

  10. They look great Jonathan! Those blokes sure were fancy dressers :-)

  11. I like the colors on these. The mounted Halberdier reminds me that I still have five converted swiss cavalry to finish myself.
