
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

State of the Painting Desk

Sikh Nobles
With work taking me away from home for a week, I return to the painting desk to find my painting elves used my absence to take the week off from painting too.  The rascals!

Activity at the workbench is slowly returning to normal with two groups of figures currently in progress.  Farthest along in the painting process are a dozen Wargames Foundry Sikh noble cavalry for the Great Game project.  These wild guys outfitted in all manners of dress will likely roll off the painting desk this weekend.

The second group of figures in work is 36 x 15mm Lancashire Games' Austrians for the 1859 project.  These 36 figures will comprise 2 x 18 figure battalions of a four battalion regiment.  The other two battalions will make it into the painting queue a little later.   
Lancashire Austrians
Soon to go under the brush is a BTD Egyptian chariot as a test model.  A single chariot was picked up in one of BTD's 50% sales as a glimpse of the Egyptian range in person.  First impression of the chariot is that the model is first rate.  I look forward to slapping a bit of paint on this fine contraption.

On the gaming front, Kevin and Jake joined to give Impetvs Baroque its first outing on the table.  Despite this being the first game, the game progressed smoothly.  A few questions surfaced during the game but most were addressed satisfactorily.  Play was quick with a decision taking under three hours.  A BatRep and rules' review will follow at some point.  

Finally, in a continuation of the running battles of Pharsalus using Commands & Colors Ancients, Caesar beat Pompey twice.  In the first of the two contests, Pompey was thrashed 7 banners to 0.  Impressive victory for Caesar!


  1. Sikhs look very dynamic and great fun, I always think the Austrian uniform of that period was just a little more elegant than the French. Nice to see a wip, productive as always!
    Best Iain

    1. I like both French and Austrian uniforms of this period. How can I choose a favorite?

  2. Sikh Nobles look nice, very nice!

  3. Nice variety on the Table; I just got the balance of my own BTD sale order last week as well (not at all an issue for such a great sale), and am assembling my 4 new Egyptian Chariots (and some Spearmen).

    1. The last of my BTD order straggled in a couple of weeks ago. Like you, I was in no hurry. My painting backlog is lengthy.

      I ordered the Egyptian chariot thinking of you and your collection. Looking forward to seeing your finished product.

  4. Plenty of interesting stuff. I will be interested to see the chariot. I neglected to get any for my Qin Chinese as I figured they would be too fidly to deal with.

    1. BTD's Egyptian chariot does not look fiddly at all. Their Trojan model was a bit fiddly, though. Whose models are you considering for your Chinese?

  5. I do love the Austrian uniforms of this period - I look forward to seeing the final results as I have a few hundred of them myself to do!

    1. The Austrian uniform is sharp looking with the white tunics and blue trousers. A favorite of mine.
