
Friday, April 8, 2016

Battle of Montgomery, 18 SEP 1644

Having more or less successfully navigated our first game of Impetvs Baroque in the ECW Battle of Montgomery, the table has been reset for a second go at the battle.
Initial deployments
A few deployment adjustments to both commanders' OB and a more careful reading of the scenario will make for a more historically plausible contest than the first.  In theory, that is.
Sketch map of battle
Force composition stands at 2,600 foote and 1,500 horse for Byron and 1,500 foote and 1,500 for Meldrum.  Based upon the diagram from which this scenario originates (Giglio's English Civil War Scenarios  Vol 2), the Roundheads were awarded one too many regiments of horse.  The Cavaliers get a boost from one additional regiment of foote.  Sorry Sir Meldrum, you must win without them this time.
Overview of start positions
Meldrum's cavalry reinforcements may still appear on a random turn along the east edge of the battlefield.  Their appearance nearly upon the Royalist flank threw a wrench into Byron's plans to destroy the Roundhead force. 
Sir Meldrum's Army
Victory conditions remain as before.  That is, the Parliamentarian forces deployed with their backs to the River Camlad must hold the Salt Bridge at all costs for a major victory.  Meldrum's only avenue of escape is across that bridge.  Failing to secure the bridge from Royalist aggressions, Meldrum may gain a minor victory by withdrawing 50% of his army over to the far side of the river while still holding the north end of the bridge. 
Sir Byron's Army
The battle is set.  Friday evening the battle will be decided.


  1. Nice looking set up there Jon. The Parliamentarians might need a bit of luck going their way.

    1. Thanks, Nathan. With revised OBs after the first game, the Roundheads will need a bit of luck to pull off a victory.

  2. A battle I have a soft spot for, Montgomery - I've read several accounts of this and it is not at all clear why the battle suddenly turned around as the Parlies were pushed back to the river.

    I intended to visit the battlefield on my ECW trip to Chester in 2013, but it turned out the weather was dreadful so we visited Denbigh Castle instead. Oh well - I'd like to get there sometime!

    Looking forward to your report!

    1. Giglio's scenario gives a short background of the battle siting that the Parlies were the aggressors in coming across the canal to threaten the Byron. After staring at each other for awhile, the Royalists then attacked. With the resolve of the Cheshire regiments, the Royalists were eventually beaten back.

      If you make the journey to the battlefield, do share photos!

  3. Wonderful setup. Looking forward to seeing more of Baroque in action.

    1. Tanks, DdG! We both enjoyed the refight and both agree that Baroque ought to make it into regular rotation.

  4. Looks great, Jon. My own ECW troops are LONG overdue for a return to the tabletop.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Mine had been infrequently used until of late too. Get 'em out on the table for a game!

  5. Looks good Jonathan. Await the battle report with much interest!

  6. Nice set up and beautiful looking units...Looking forward to it!

  7. Looks like a great scenario, looking forward to the report.

  8. Good looking scenario, great looking figures
    Best Iain

  9. Great gaming with wonderful ECW figs, Jonathan!

  10. Fantastic Jonathan, I'm looking forward for more!

    1. Thank you, Michal. Need to write up the BatRep but expect to see more Baroque on the table.

  11. Oh yes looking forward to this Jonathan!


  12. me too! looking forward to your report card Jon!

    all the best,

    1. We settled on a ECW battle this time but we do want to get the Great Italian Wars troops out on the table very soon.

  13. A really nice looking game very interesting as I have just got my copy of Baroque will be trying it out soon thanks for posting

    1. Stephen, I look forward to your impressions of Baroque.

  14. Wow, what a sight! Very impressive!! Cheers!
