
Sunday, April 3, 2016

On the Generosity of Wargamers

Piedmont 1st Regiment with flags
One of the many projects on my "To Do" list is the the progression towards making the 1799 project game-ready in 2016.  One of the more recent additions to the project was the 1st Piedmont Regiment consisting of two battalions (see:1st Piedmontese). 

When I posted the photos of my, then, flagless battalions, Colin from Marengo 1800 dropped an email stating that he had banners for the 1st Piedmont and that he would gladly drop them in the post.  By the way, Colin's blog is quite interesting with an assortment of unusual battalions fielded for this period and good figure comparisons.  Colin and I have similar and nearly parallel projects.  Colin's is focused more on the 1800 campaign while mine focuses more on the 1799 campaign.  Much overlap, for sure and his figure reviews are quite useful.  If you are interested in the French Revolutionary War period through about 1800, this is a useful tool to have in your kit.

Back to the flags from Colin.  Colin insisted on sending the flags out gratis and even post-paid.  Very generous offer, indeed!  When the small envelope arrived, not only was there a two flag set for the 1st Piedmont but eleven other flag sets for the FRW!  What a generous and pleasant surprise!
Bedecked with their own custom flags, my 1st Piedmont Regiment will step into battle with a little more dignity and a lot more confidence.

Colin, I appreciate your generosity and thank you for the excellent sets of flags.  They will find their way into many of my future regiments.  In fact, two existing battalions of French legere are lobbying to have a set bestowed upon them.


  1. Karma can be a good thing too. Your own generosity is being recompensed here. Very nice addition to your regiments and very kind of Colin.

  2. They look superb, figures and flags!

  3. Colin is a splendid chap, and has a marvellously eclectic blog. I have bookmarked it for future reference. Those flags make your fine regiment look even better - I am sure your opponents will happily agree to giving the 1st a morale bonus just for being so awesome.

    1. Michael, I like the way you think! In their first battle, the 1st should get a morale bonus in honor of their benefactor.

  4. Well done Colin. The flags do look tge part.

  5. What a kind gesture by Colin. Your 1799 project is coming along nicely.

    1. Very kind of Colin, no doubt!

      As for the 1799 project, possible game is on the horizon.

  6. Excellent figures and flags!

  7. Always nice to hear something like this :)

  8. Great donation, and a good looking addon for the unit.

  9. Great looking unit and nice story behind their standard, got to make you smile each time you see them!
    Best Iain

    1. The flags they carry will always trigger this memory.

  10. Nice work. Another instance of the wonderful freemasonry of the hobby.

  11. Fine looking flags that really enhance the unit. A very gracious and generous contribution by Colin - a doff of the casquet to him!

    1. Flags certainly enhance any unit and these Piedmontese are no exception.

      Chapeau to Colin!
