
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Early Spring Cycling in Seattle

I-90 Bridge across Lake Washington with Bellevue in background
The painting desk lies fallow this week as I am away for work.  With a forecast of sun and expected afternoon temperatures in the low 60's F, I packed up the cycling gear and headed off for a week in Seattle.  On a sunny day, there are few places as beautiful as Seattle.  I snapped a couple of photos to dissuade those that believe Seattle is constantly inundated by rain.

Post-work afternoons spent cycling around Lake Washington is a perfect way to wind down from the daily stresses of the workplace.  Cycling is also an excellent medium for reflection and a clearing of the head.
View of Lake Washington with Mt Rainer in far right background
Tuesday and Wednesday's routes traced a clockwise loop along the banks of Lake Washington with a crossing of lake Washington via the I-90 before heading back to the hotel in Renton.  As ridden, mileage was at 27 miles.  With dedicated bike paths and bike friendly scenic roads with low motor speeds, traffic was generally light with few points of contention with autos. 
Cycling route
Before leaving for the week, I cleared the gaming table in anticipation of a possible game on Saturday.  Without regular "home" games, the gaming table quickly becomes a staging area for painting, figures, books, rules, and all types of hobby clutter.  A number of books and rules have entered the household since Christmas and organization takes effort and space.  A few duplicates were discovered too.  I tucked away a few rulebooks into the pack for inspiration and a refresher.  One of the rules brought along is the recently received Impetvs Baroque to give it a read through.

Looks like a game will come together on Saturday.  Tentatively scheduled is an ECW battle using Impetvs Baroque.  What battle shall be refought?  No decision yet.  The Battle of Southam was a fun little engagement and might make a worthwhile candidate for two players.  Southam was gamed earlier using three different rules. One Hour Wargames, Basic Impetvs Baroque, and Ironsides all were given a trial with this battle.  Would one more game with yet another set of rules be overdoing the battle?  A QRS for Baroque needs to be drafted to organize the charts and help me become familiar with the rules.  Perfect activity for evenings confined to a hotel.


  1. Looks a pretty route. Now get that table cleared!

    1. Cleared the table before I left.
      When I return, time to set it up.

  2. Jonathan, I concur that Seattle in the sun is a stunning place. I have been there five times over the years and four of them I have been so lucky to have had brilliantly sunny weather. I can vividly recall being taken on a stunning harbour cruise in May of 2012.

    1. Four out of five visits with sun? Mark, you are lucky!

  3. That does indeed look beautiful! Impetus Baroque reads just great and if it's a portent of what's to come for Impetus2 then it will be a real winner!!


    1. There are some interesting changes in Baroque to the general mechanisms. Having a unit retain Impetvs until less than half VBU is a big one.

  4. That looks like a great route. Did you stop by the Panzer Depot to combine your two hobbies?

    I'm looking forward to seeing Impetus Baroque on the table.

    1. Scott, no I did not get far enough north on the east side to stop at PZ. Besides, how could I have lugged back the lead?

      As for Baroque, well you may be in luck soon!

  5. OK, seriously we need to link up in Plummer some time to ride the trail. Looks like you had a great ride, on a rare sunny Seattle day.

    1. We really must make time for cycling together. While I climbed Mt Spokane last summer, i have never climbed the Lewiston Grade on the old highway with all of the switchbacks. I would enjoy that!

    2. errm. Yeah... Perhaps in June when I get my Calfs back into shape.

    3. Can I hold you to that? The Trail of the CDAs would be a good start, first. Maybe a Plummer to Harrison RT with a stop for lunch in Harrison? That would be about 30 miles.

  6. Aha, a fellow cyclist. Are you by any chance on Strava - I'll become a follower after that epic route.

    1. Fellow cyclist, indeed! Not a day passes when I not found on the bike whether indoors or not.For epic climbs, see my posting on my climb up Mt Spokane last Labor Day.

      Alas, I am not on Strava. most of my outdoor rised are logged on MayMyRide, though.

  7. Good to hear you got to enjoy the recent wonderful weather we've been blessed with, Jonathan. Cycling is the way to go. Traffic up in Seattle is too much for me.

    1. Dean, the weather on the West Side was spectacular all week. Now back, home, the weather is equally pleasant on the East Side.
