
Monday, March 28, 2016

French Artillery and Limbers for 1859

The French forces continue a slow but steady build for the 1859 project.  Fresh off from the painting desk and reporting for duty are two French artillery pieces and their accompanying limbers.  Each gun is crewed by four artillerymen and each limber is drawn by a six horse team.
These guns and limbers are all Freikorps 15s.  Very good models although the horses are smaller than the other manufacturers used in this project.  Six horse limber teams may seem like overkill and luxury but the Austrian and Sardinian limbers come with six horses each.  Waste not, want not, right?  Naturally, the French limbers are delivered with four horses so extra sets are needed to bring each limber up to the full strength of their Austrian and Sardinian brethren.  QRF/TSS is very good about filling custom orders.  When I place an order, I often request  extra horses for the limber train.  The extra train has always been provided.  Why is the French train not sold with a six horse train?  That is a good question!


  1. Nice. Limbers are always something of an afterthought for me. I can imagined that the Old Glory and Lancashire figures dwarf these a bit, but the artillery crew look good next to them.

    1. Yeah, I do not enjoy painting them but I get the work done. These artillerymen compare well against their larger comrades. On the field of play, most differences vanish.

  2. Very nice; the French should win on looks alone. Personally, I hate painting limber teams, so the only thing worse than a 4 horse team is a 6 horse team, at least if I have to paint them. I'd be happy skimping with 2 horse teams! :-)

    That reminds me that I have a p[air of Sash and Saber French Napoleonic Limbers/teams to paint!

    1. Dislike for painting limber teams is a recurring theme. To me, two horse limber teams look a bit anemic.

      I have two of the S&S French limbers in my collection and they are very fine models. I could use a few more.

  3. Nice clean brush work on the figures Jon!


  4. Great looking additions Jonathan!

  5. Outstanding work, Jonathan! A fine addition to your already enviable French Army! Cheers!

    1. Thanks! It is about time to make a pass-in-review of the project and assess where I stand.

  6. Great work as always nice clean paint job, limbers of any kind are way down my list but nice to see
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Limbers are way down my list of items I enjoy painting but they must be done!

  7. Very nice work Jonathan! I've always liked limbers, but just never seem to get around doing any.


    1. Very easy to procrastinate when it comes to painting limbers.

  8. A worthy addition to the artillery park.

  9. I salute your dedication to painting six horse teams. It is always refreshing to see logistical support enter the game.

  10. I used Frei Korps limber riders with OldGlory15s Austrian artillery. They were a perfect fit
