
Friday, February 19, 2016

Too Good to be True

Back in early January, I saw an announcement on TMP regarding an Amazon offering of a Winsor & Newton Series 7 Four Brush Gift Set.  All included in a handsome box too. The price of four such fine, Kolinsky sable brushes?  An unbelievable price of USD$17.50 was all that was asked.  Four W&N Series 7 brushes for USD$17.50?  Amazing!  

The caveat was that shipping date was listed as between March and April 2016.  I am patient, I can wait.  So, I ordered two sets each one day apart. Well, yesterday and today, I received notifications from Amazon saying,
Lack of availability?  I wonder if Amazon ever had a supplier lined up to offer these sets for under USD$20?  Hard to imagine.  Perhaps, it was a pricing error?
Anyway, this set retails for over USD$100 but can be found online for about USD$75.
When the price seems too good to be true, sometimes it is!  


  1. They got me too. Very disappointing.

  2. Replies
    1. I was hoping for it to be awesome. Still, I am interested in what inspired the original offer. What was the angle?

  3. What a shame... Amazon pulled a similar trick on me last year, when I book that I had been searching for came up at $40 for a new copy when used ones go for $150+. Needless to say it did not happen; Amazon eventually cancelled the order!

    1. Frustrating, for sure. It would be interesting to know the back story to both of our experiences.

  4. That is disappointing! I would be pretty crestfallen.


    1. Hi Christopher! For me, it is more of a windfall not materializing. I lost nothing since I buy the W&N Series 7 anyway. But, as Pavlov's dog, I do salivate at the sight of a bargain.
