
Sunday, February 21, 2016

French Chasseur Battalion #10 in 1859

Work on the 1859 project continues.  After a number of French line regiments marching off from the painting desk, a battalion of chasseurs are called up for action.  This two stand unit of sixteen Old Glory figures musters out as the 10th Chasseur battalion.  
Examining the OBs for the short, 1859 campaign, often only the first brigade of each infantry division contained light troops.  Seems odd that all light troops would be contained wholly within one of the two brigades in each division.
With a paper strength of 800 men per battalion, I mount them in two stands of eight figures each.  Each stand or "half battalion" has the capability to operate either unified as one unit or independently as two units.  Operating as two independent units, these tough, light troops will be helpful in taking or holding built up areas or rough terrain.

A second battalion of chasseurs is in work.


  1. lovely looking units and painted minis - well done Jonathan!

    1. Phil, I always appreciate your commentary and support! I have another 16 figs on deck looking very much like this one.

    2. You are welcomed Sir! love your brush work out put and articles - marvelous!


  2. Excellent looking units, so beautifully painted! Keep them coming Jonathan!! ;) Cheers!

    1. Thank you! Units will, indeed, keep coming. Two more units are nearing completion.

  3. Once again,fantastic painted minis! Big PLUS!

  4. Never got too many light troops...and these ones are fantastic!

  5. Interesting, as I wasn't familiar with the Chasseur uniform of this era. Having the Chassuers be (only) in the first brigade of the first division is a little like Austrian Napoleonic "Advance Guard Divisions". By this time, the evolution towards a "universal" infantry type was even further along as well.

    1. Uniform of the chasseurs was eye-catching just were uniforms of the entire period. They knew how to dress for battle!

      The chasseurs were found in the first brigade of every division. Each division contained two bridges.

  6. More interesting stuff. I am inspired to read more about the period, keep em coming!

  7. Great looking stuff, a period I find interesting but which I shall resist making any purchases! Luckily I have your figures to admire
    Best Iain
