
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

State of the Painting Desk

With work taking me out of town for a week, the production line on the painting desk fell silent.  Not only was the painting desk inactive but the gaming table has become a convenient resting place for things to be categorized and put away later.  As the game room photo shows, the Chain of Command layout from several months back is still laid out on the table.  I keep thinking that I will return to the scenario and play it out solo.  Maybe I will; maybe I won't.  Nevertheless, gaming at the table has been silent since that last "Home" game way back in November.  Time sure flies.
Now, for the painting desk.  Upon returning from my business trip, the production line is once again beginning to churn back to life.  At present, I have three groups of figures in work.  Likely to be the next off the painting desk are 32 French chasseurs for the 1859 project.  These 32 figures will be fielded as two battalions.  The yellow on dark blue caps make these fellows very distinctive on the battlefield.  Sharing the painting box with the chasseurs are a half-dozen Perry Stradiots for the Great Italian Wars project.  With a unique and interesting headgear and shields, these light horse will make colorful additions to the collection.
Also in the production line are eight Front Rank lancers for the Peninsular War project.  When building a Peninsular War project, who cannot help but field the Vistula Legion lancers?  Remembering the success of the Vistula Lancers at Albuera, I could not resist fielding a unit of these beauties.

Well, that sums up the state of the painting desk for this time.


  1. Replies
    1. Appalled? Send me a few figures to paint. If turned around quickly you might praise my productivity!

  2. Looking forward to seeing them finished Jonathan.


  3. Will be a sweet unit when finished, we are all the same Jonathan with our paint desks.

    1. Paul, I do look forward to seeing the lancers finished and charging into some hapless foe.

  4. Stradiots are essential types for the Great Italian Wars, so a most useful addition-in-progress!
    Curiously, although I have all 4 Vistula Legion Infantry regiments (a byblow of our 2012 Borodino game), I have but a sing;e 54 mm Mignot Vistula Legion lancer, a souvenir of my one and only visit to Europe to date (Nice, being the place of purchase) while on tour with the UConn band back in 1974. More than 40 years ago - far too long!

    1. Peter, sounds like you ought to consider adding a unit or two of Polish lancers to your vast collection.

    2. I have 2 units of GDW Uhlans now, and 2 Murawski Uhlans to paint, although I think they will still be used for GDW troops rather than the Vistula Legion "prickers". They will doubtless make it into the collection eventually, though!

      Europe is definitely in the long range plans - Cruise ion the Rhine and/or Danube, Scandinavia, and Dresden, where I have a freind that I owe a return trip to!

    3. My Murawski Badeners are still boxed. I really should fit one battalion in among the 15mm painting queue so that we can compare notes as you paint yours.

    4. I expect to finish mine this weekend - the (new) Rawkins book has been very helpful for a lot of minor details!

    5. I very much look forward to seeing the results of your work!

  5. Busy, busy looks great, looking forward to those stradiot
    Best Iain

    1. I am interested in seeing how the stradiots turn out too.

  6. I thought those stradiots were 54mm next to the 15mm Chasseurs. They look huge to me.

    1. They Do look huge, don't they? Some of it may be due to the photo with the large figures in the foreground.

  7. Looking forward to seeing the lancers painted will no doubt be painting up some for my Peninsular project but still in 1808 at the moment I do like your gaming table really nice setting

    1. Thanks, Stephen. I need to clean up the game table. Much is laid out and piled up at the far end. I look forward to seeing your lancers one day too!

  8. I am looking forward to seeing those stradiots hit the table.
