
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

More French Chasseurs for 1859 Project

Mobilizing hot on the heels of the French 10th Chasseur Battalion is a two stand battalion of the 11th Chasseurs.  Figures are Old Glory available from 19th Century Miniatures
One curiosity of the Old Glory chasseurs is that some of the figures' anatomy remind me very much of Dave Allsop's sculpting style.  Dave was an early sculptor for Old Glory and produced well animated figures having a distinctive style.  For me, the hands suggest Dave's influence.  Many of my 15mm Napoleonics are Allsop sculpts.  After having painted hundreds of the Napoleonics, one begins to appreciate each sculptor's style.  Although Old Glory's FPW range was designed by another sculptor, I wonder if some of Dave's original works were used as models?  Pure conjecture on my part.
Only after photographing the figures did I notice a failure of the flocking to adhere on the rear stand in the photo above.  Sigh.  I quick trip back into the box of flock for you!

Showing great restraint, I managed to pass on BTD's latest 50% discount offering.  Restraint aided by the fact that I still await a backorder from their earlier such sale!


  1. Looking good. Your 1859 project is coming together well.

    1. Thanks! I have been focusing on bringing the French up to par with the Austrians and Sardinians. Still much work remains but I have enough French to field two divisions. I do need more guns and horse, though.

  2. More and more, better and better...Lovely minis Jonathan!

  3. Wow you are making a serious dent in this project.

    1. If you saw The Lead Pile, your tune would change! Small progress but much. much remains.

  4. The collection is coming on nicely Jonathan. I am looking forward to seeing the armies arrayed in battle!

    1. I have been meaning to set the collection out on the table for a group photo. That has not happened yet.

  5. More lovely minis, they have lots of character, it would be nice to see them with their comrades
    Best Iain

    1. The Old Glory figures do exhibit much character. A parade ground review should be called out for the collection. Appreciate your visit and comments.

  6. I've been sadly neglecting your blog of late, JF, but I see you're still on fire. I love these figures, tons of élan and the green trip and epaulettes are very cool. Magnifique, mon ami!

    1. Michael! There is no obligation to stop by for a visit or comment but it is much appreciated when you do!

  7. Very lively figures and lovely painting as always. Great job!
