
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Camelry for the Reconquista

Only one unit for the 28mm Reconquista project made it across the painting desk in 2015.  To remedy that neglect, I begin 2016 with a four figure stand of Moorish camelry from BTD.  
The camels from BTD are wonderful beasts.  Large creatures with much character.  Quite enjoyable to paint.  Considered medium cavalry under Impetvs, this stand is the second camelry to be fielded in the project.  Four more of these beasts lounge in The Lead Pile.  Although nearly 50 Impetvs stands have been painted to field two opposing forces, a ton of lead remains to cross the painting desk.  Perhaps, more of these will hit the painting desk in 2016?  An even better result would see this collection in a game at some point in 2016.
What else is currently on the painting desk?  Under construction are two command tents with commanders and entourage for Samurai Battles in 15mm, four battalions of Austrian infantry for the 1799 project, and a few sections of rock wall.   


  1. These guys look great, I look forward to seeing more of the Reconquista project.

    1. Thanks! If you want to see more of the collection, browse through the 28mm Reconquista Gallery page in the blog header. I ought to update that since many of the newer units have yet to be added.

  2. Really nice looking stand of troops, and I agree these "ships of the desert" have a lot of character! Camelry is on of the fun things about Ancient wargames, along with their "dreaded smell factor"although Camels themselves are supposedly often foul tempered beasts!

    1. Thank, Peter! The BTD camels really have great character and are fun to slap paint on. Is that a myth about camel smell repelling horses?

  3. Very nice, Jonathan. Have you seen Monty L's Saga Spanish force led by El Cid? You two have very similar projects going on.

    1. Hi Dean, yes I did see Monty's newly minted SAGA army. Great looking figures!

      With so many projects it is difficult finding someone to whom I DON'T share a project!

  4. Happy to see this splendid unit of Camelry...excellent job, and great base!

  5. Lovely to see these they look great, nice to see lots of 28mm figs on your blog
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! I enjoy painting the 28s, no doubt but I have pledged to myself to work on more 15s in 2016. We will see how long my well lasts.

  6. Lovely Moorish camelry Jonathan!

  7. These are very nice. I'll have to go ahead and not forgive you for introducing me to BTD. They are getting too much of my money these days.

    1. Aaron! The BTD figures are well sculpted and on sale a great value. Oh, they get a lot of my money too so you are not alone.

  8. Love them - haven't seen them on camels before so an extra special post. Maybe a purchase is in order.

    1. Thanks, Richard. The BTD camels are great sculpts and fun to paint. Grab a few!

  9. Those came out really well Jon! Can't help but love the zen look on the camels faces as they trot to the charge.

  10. Very nice, Jonathan - Reconquista (amongst everything Iberian :) ) is one of my favourite themes. Lovely minis! Cheers!

    1. The period is a favorite of mine too!
      Thank you for your support!

  11. Great looking unit, and camels are always fun. Nice!

  12. Those look really good Jonathan! I need to do some camels!


  13. I LOVE your camel corps, and your Reconquista Project overall. We'd be playing some Impetus if we weren't so very far away. Its going to be 15-20 degrees below zero all weekend long. Why don't I live on the West Coast?

    1. Thank you, Monty! The BTD camels are excellent.

      Brrr. It is going to be brutally cold for you this weekend! I would certainly enjoy gaming with you if weren't 1,400 miles away. Why don't you live out west?

  14. Another great addition. We really need to find a way to get these on the table. What does next weekend look like?

    1. Thanks! We do need to get these onto the gaming table. Unfortunately, I have work commitments next weekend. We need to keep trying.
