
Monday, January 18, 2016

Command Tents for Samurai Battles

With two stands for the Samurai Battles project completed near year-end, that project maintains a spot in the current painting queue rotation.  Off the painting desk are two command tents.  
While many of the Samurai Battles scenarios do not require command tents, a few do.  Wanting to build a comprehensive set of units for the game, a recent Peter Pig sale was an opportunity to pick up a few of these missing pieces.
Included in the composition of each of the command tents are one-half of a Maku screen, generals and messengers, and signalers with drums and conch shell.  Enough packs to field two populated command tents.
Since this project has been based for play on a two inch hex grid mat with double sized bases, each command tent is set upon three, 50mm hexes.  The 2 x 50mm hexes also fit within Jake's four inch hex mat.  Flexibility!
Each command tent's entourage was themed in either red or black lacquered armor to make each easily distinguishable on the battlefield. 


  1. So nice! Beautiful vignettes, splendid work :)

  2. Really nice work Jon, these pieces are bound to add character to the gaming table, and could pose as objectives too in the games that don't require them per definition.

    1. Objective markers are a very good idea. Without looking it up, I recall command tents count double against banners lost in Samurai Battles. Important to hold, for sure.

  3. Excellent job...and very atmospheric!

    1. Thank you, Phil! These stands will each make nice Center of Operations of HQ in a game.

  4. These are incredible. Looks exactly like dioramas I saw at Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu!

  5. Great Stuff, I like the color variation. I tried something similar, however used Yellow and Red cloth. That reminds me, I should probably finish those....

    1. Your work on command tents was my inspiration for these two command stands. This project has grown quite a bit since you last saw it on the table.

  6. Beautiful, Jon. This is getting to be quite the collection!

    1. Thank you, Scott! All projects tend to become "quite the collections," don't they? OK, at least mine do. I know some of yours have taken on lives of their own as well.

  7. Very attractive, and further helps to set the time and place.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Command tents do tend to define the period. As Soren noted above, they will make handy Objective markers too.

  8. Excellent command stands, Jonathan. No samurai battlefield is complete without them.

    1. Thanks, Dean! Finishing these two stands pushes me towards getting them onto the gaming table soon.

  9. Those are amazing.

    I've been meaning for some time to do something similar in 28mm as a "camp" element for my DBA Samurai armies. Perhaps I need to FINISH by 28mm Samurai armies first, then worry about their camp element...

    1. Thanks, Tim! Like you, I prefer fielding combatants first then worry about working on the non-combatants. Good luck in your 28mm Samurai project!

  10. Very inspiring! I'm looking at doing this for my own commanders.
