
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Parker's Gatling Guns in the SAW

While I have a couple of mountain guns for the Spanish forces in my SAW project, no infantry support for the Americans,  That is, until now.
 Off the painting desk are two Gatling guns from Old Glory's excellent 25mm SAW range.  I know, I have sung the praises of this figure line before but I continue to be impressed.  These figures are quite enjoyable to paint too.  Utilitarian uniforms that are easy to paint and take the Minwax stain well.  Very tempted to throw another unit of US infantry into the painting queue.  My 2016 painting goal of focusing on 15/18mm figures may not last long.
These two guns should be able to provide much needed punch to any American assault upon Cuban hillocks held by determined, Spanish defenders.

The SAW project is another one of my collections vying for table top time.  Perhaps, I will see them in action in 2016?  For rules, I have long considered using Pinnacle's Fields of Honor.  I played the rules decades ago and they provided a good game and created an interesting narrative.  The game, itself, is scalable to any size action too.  One of the few sets of rules where weapons' ranges scale out to mirror historical distances.  In lower level scraps where weapon ranges can cover the entire table, one really needs cover to be able to advance on an enemy position.  I need to dust it off and see how it has held up over the years.


  1. Lovely vignettes, Jonathan - very nice work! Cheers!

  2. Excellent additions, Jonathan. No period army would be complete without a few of these.

    1. Thanks! If I was a re-enactor, I would order one for myself!

  3. Fine looking Gattlings, Jon. I hadn't realized this style of gun was still in use so late (1898).

    1. These are some of Old Glory's finest! Yes, still in use during the SAW. I saw one of these on display in an Alaskan museum two years ago. That was a surprise.

  4. These look great. These are some of my favorite sculpts from the OG SAW range.
