
Monday, October 26, 2015

State of the Painting Desk

I have been traveling for a week.  To help remind me of what is currently in work on the painting desk, I snapped this WiP photo before my departure.

On the painting desk awaiting my return are two works in progress.  The first WiP on the left are the horses for four Russian hussars for the The Great Game project.  These four hussars will be recruited to bring one of the hussar regiments up to a full complement of twelve troopers.

The second WiP is a regiment of 24 ACW Zouaves to be fielded as the 114th PA.  While I currently have no plans of adding a 28mm ACW project to the Project Ledger, I picked up several handfuls of the Sash & Saber figures a few years ago.  Remember when Sash & Saber had a huge 50% sale?  That seems like a very long time past.  Not being able to pass up a bargain, I added to the Lead Pile a couple hundred of these figures.  With these figures, I plan too muster at least four or five regiments of Federals.  Hopefully, Scott will let me slip these into his next ACW game? 

Something to look forward to when I return to the painting desk.


  1. Yes, let's try a 28mm ACW game sometime! Do you have any rules in mind? I kind of want to give "Longstreet" a try.

    1. I am up for giving Longstreet a go.

      The Good Padre recently completed a Longsteet game that can be found here:

      Looks like friction plays a role as in other Mustafa games.
      Perhaps, we should put another Maurice game on the Game Slate on the gaming "To Do" list?

    2. Yes, I'm up for Maurice as well. We just need to find the time to game!

    3. Or rather I need to find the time to game.

    4. True but we had a game in OCT and now one scheduled for NOV. That is great progress!

  2. S&S ACW are really nice minis - loads of character that would blend in nicely with a box of Perry plastics. How do they compare in size to the twins' product?

    1. S&S ACW are nice sculpts but once I began painting them, the faces and flash reminded me very much of Old Glory figures. The photos on the S&S website must be singular examples. Mine showed many ill-defined facial features. Some are very good, though. We will see how they look when finished. As for Perry ACW, I cannot answer, I have not seen any.

  3. Looking good with the hussars and Zouaves!

  4. I well remember at least one if not two S&S 50% off sales - socked up on artillery, and raised 4 new units each of French Line and Austrians, plus more artillery. I wish they would add to their 25mm line, but it seems there is little chance of that, although when I talked to the owner at Historicon, he did say that Russian guns (and presumably crew) would be the one thing that might get added.

    He stated there was just too much competition in 25mm to be financially viable for a small company, so they focused their efforts on their 40mm ranges. Understandable, if our loss!

    I do love the Zouaves. If there were more of them maybe I'd reconsider the ACW, LOL!

    It seems that Longstreet works best with the campaign system. Of course, then you'll need artillery and a few cavalry, too. Wouldn't be THAT much more work and $ to build a small, balanced force. And you can even do it as your "Division" grows...

    John has a nice write up of his Longstreet campaign on his blog:

    Heh, heh! :-)

    1. You cannot argue with economic viability as a reason for not expanding a range of figures. Makes sense to me.

      During that 50% offering, I too, stocked up on French line (why he did not also release French legere to go along with the line has been a puzzle), French artillery, French chasseurs a cheval, and ACW Federals (both Zouaves and regulars).

      I am with you! The ACW needs more Zouaves to make for more colorful armies. Perhaps that is one reason I prefer the mid-19th Century European wars?

      Thanks for the reference to John's blog.

  5. lovely painted Sash & Saber Zouaves Jon!
    I also have Sash & Saber ACW Zouaves (24 figs) one day I will paint up my Zouave regiment...... too many projects and other matters on my mind..


    1. Thanks, Phil!

      I would certainly enjoy seeing your skilled treatment of the S&S Zouaves. When time permits, that would be treat for us all.

    2. Thanks Jon, I'm looking at the end of January 2016, to work on my ACW figures/units project...

