
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Warrior Monks in 15mm

Off the painting table this afternoon is one stand of Peter Pig Warrior Monks for the Samurai Battles' project.  The monks were part of a Peter Pig order that Jake presented to me for Christmas.  Warrior monks have not featured in any of the Samurai Battles' scenarios gamed thus far, but they must have a useful purpose at some point.  Besides, they will break up the sea of Ashigaru on the battlefield.

Jake has a couple of units of monks so I figured I ought to have a unit or two to counter his.  It will be interesting to see if they claim any special attributes.  Also, this was a nice change from painting the more numerous Ashigaru and Samurai.  I believe I have enough monks to field one more stand. 

In an unrelated note, I met Kevin and one of his childhood buddies for a quick and impromptu game of Commands & Colors Napoleonics Sunday afternoon.  Having recently picked up the Austrian expansion, Kevin suggested a scenario featuring Austrians.  I chose Teugen-Hausen.  Commanding the Austrians, I was narrowly bettered by a 8-7 banner count.  The loss was decided by majority control of the first line of hills.  Losing the majority of hill hexes in the French portion of the turn, the Austrians were unable to either take out enough French or retake the heights in the bottom half of the turn.  Good game against a player not familiar with the system.  Kevin's classmate picked up the mechanisms of the game without issue and fought to a victory.  Very close match!


  1. I like the white and black combination. Good looking group.

    1. Thanks, Jake! I took your suggestion and painted some of the gift figures first. Besides other stuff, your gift package of GP Berber cav are on the painting desk.

  2. Hi Jonathan,
    Yet more 15mm Samurai temptation for myself, they look great. I keep floating the idea with myself about painting up a Samurai army for myself however I have nobody close by who is interested (probably best!).

    1. Hi Paul, yes, more Samurai temptation. I'm finding that this period is quite interesting. I have really enjoyed both the painting and the gaming using Samurai Battles. SB is really a fun game.

  3. Nice painting on some very nice figures.

  4. They're very nice. You are tempting me towards samurai.

    1. Sebastien, what stokes temptation more, BatReps or painted figures? I could supply both...

  5. These look great and warrior monks are just cool!

