
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Patience is a Virtue

As many may surmise from my frequent displays of painted Black Tree Design figures, I really like their figure ranges.  I use figures from BTD for Ancients, Reconquista, and WWII.  Great figures and quick order turn-around.  As a bonus, BTD often offers frequent discounts.  Actually, the sales are constant with different ranges on discount with often 35-40% off.  Rarely during these sales are the cavalry on offer at these discounts.  Sometimes, however, BTD offers 50% discount on everything!  Knowing these marketing tendencies, our group patiently awaits these 50% sales to stock up.  

Well, BTD has announced an end of year 50% sale and Jake and I are jumping in to place a cavalry-heavy order for our Reconquista projects.  Scott used the sale as a test order for a new Trojan War project.  

Oh, did I mention FREE shipping too?  Wonderful deal!


  1. I will have to take a look at this sale. I could use a few more mounted/command figs for my French HYW army (re-based for Hail Caesar). BTW, I have a few of their Trojan War range archers - I like them a lot - nice details and sturdy figs. Best, Dean

    1. I would enjoy seeing the work on both your BTD French and Trojans.

  2. I really wanted to take advantage of this offer but will wait for the next one as I already have loads of 28mm to paint, but yes they are great figures


    1. There always seem to be another sale but the 50% sale may only occur semi-annually.

      I have loads of figures too but I can use the logic of "look how much I saved!"

  3. Good sale! I haven't seen their figures in "the flesh", and at present my lead stockpile is near an all time high, so painting first before more purchasing! :-)

    1. Yes, an excellent sale! The BTD figures I have are really nice.

      As for painting down the stockpile before purchasing have more restraint than I.
