
Monday, December 30, 2013

Ski Troops in 15mm

For my long neglected and seemingly stalled WWII Narvik project, I wanted to add a few figures in an end-of-year painting push.  One deterrent to the project is that 15mm WWII troops lack the excitement needed to motivate me to get them into the long painting queue.  In their favor, however, is the benefit that they can be made table ready very quickly.  Since I needed a small project that could be slipped in between work on artillery limbers for the 1859 project, a few WWII figures would fit nicely.  To satisfy the need for something exotic or interesting, I pulled 16 Peter Pig ski troops from the The Lead Pile.  

While I hesitate to field two versions of Norwegian and German infantry on both foot and ski, my solution turned towards using these ski troops as markers.  Before, tracking mobility status was kept on a roster but in the heat of battle is often forgotten.  Now, a battalion on skis can be quickly identified by placing one of these ski markers next to the HQ stand.  For German markers, I'll use the infantry in helmet.  For the Norwegians; infantry in cap.

Having finished these ski troops, I plan more digging into the 15mm WWII box to see what else I could finish off in between larger painting tasks.  Perhaps, a few British mortars and crew?


  1. I need ski troops for my Napoleonic Danish/Norwegian and Swedish armies! :-)

    In summer they functioned as regular Light infantry units, but as they say in Maine, "ahy-yep, we gots nine months of winter, and three months when its kinda hard to ski..."

    1. Then you need to field some Scandinavian ski troops!

  2. These look great, I have not seen any of your Narvik project so it was a pleasant surprise


    1. Ian, thank you!

      I have more projects than one can shake a painting stick at.

  3. Nice looking winter troops - they look like 28mm figs! Dean

  4. Lovely work, Jonathan, and another surprise project! What will turn up next?

    As someone who likes to cross-country ski, the idea of combining it with combat is hard to fathom! For your Norwegians, I'm sure it was second nature. And Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Monty! Always hard to tell what might hit the painting desk next. My hunch is that it is something you have not seen before.

      Happy New Year to you too!

  5. Great looking figs. The appear ready for bi-directional biathlon.
