
Monday, December 2, 2013

Warbands (x3) for Impetvs

With the initial Punic Wars scrap using Imptevs two-weeks past,I wanted to augment the Carthaginian faction before the next encounter.  One recommendation was to add warbands into the mix.  That suggestion was solid as a quick look at the Army List confirmed.  Warbands offer an Impetvs Bonus of 4.  Combined with a VBU = 4 that totals to eight dice in combat.  Very powerful!

Digging through the boxes, I found several, forgotten handfuls of 1st Corps Germans that could be pressed into service under the coin of Hannibal.  The 1st Corps sculpts are not as nice as either Black Tree Design, Renegade or Aventine but they will fit into the collection with ease.  Next time, Rome will be facing some barbarians.


  1. Great looking warbands, Jonathan! They do look the business.

    It'll be critical for the Romans to "nick" these fellows before they go in to rob them of the impetus dice.

  2. Are these really for your Carthaginians or a thinly disguised attempt to lure me into painting Marian Romans?

    1. They could be both, right? I have several pounds of BTD Germans poised for the paintbrush when you're ready to field Marian Romans. Ok, not really poised for the paintbrush but they are in bags within eyesight.

  3. Beautiful warbands, looking fearsome!

  4. Very nice work and always a reminder to get back on my Impetus material as soon as possible!


    1. Thanks, Christopher. One very nice facet of Impetvs is that units can be consumed in manageable bites of no more than about a dozen figures.

    2. And, if I may add, they look so much better than the DBM/DBA/FOG basing.
