
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Slingshot and the Society of Ancients

At the recommendation of several friends and bloggers, I sprung for a subscription to Slingshot magazine.  Although I placed my subscription to The Society of Ancients in August, my first issue (Issue 288) did not arrive into my post box until October.  Even then, the magazine header carries a May/June 2013 date.  Looks like the Journal has experienced change of leadership which delayed publication but expectations are to get back on schedule soon.  

My first impression of Slingshot is that is it a very professionally produced full color effort.  Included in 288 is a good mix of articles especially a serial on the history of the Iberian Peninsula 400 AD to 1100 AD.  Part 5 on Islamic rule is recounted in this issue.  With my interest in the Reconquista, I may have to pick up the earlier magazines to obtain the entire picture.  Another period of increasing interest to me is that of the Biblical conflicts.  Issue 288 contains Part 5 of a series on the Transjordan.  This time, the Assyrians are mentioned.  Have yet to read the article but looking forward to it.  Rounding out the issue is an article on the history of Republican Romans vs Italians Gauls including a scenario on the Battle of Telamon 225.  Another article awaiting some time for reading.

After having been impressed with this first issue of my subscription and wanting more, I opted for the 45 Years of Slingshot, 1965-2010 on CD.  That package arrived within two weeks and for the amount of reading material contained within, it is a steal at  BP38.50.  With electronic format, I can transfer all of the issues to my iPad for reading on the go or when away from home on business trips.  Being completely searchable will aid getting quick answers to my many questions.  Outstanding product!  

While I could have started at Issue 1, I began with the latest issue included and began working my way back in time to get a sense of where the Journal stands today.  Reading only the latest few issues, what I have really enjoyed are the recaps of Battle Days.  For example, Zama was selected and multiple players refought this battle using multiple rulesets and figures sizes.  Accompanied by some good analysis and historical comparisons. I look forward to seeing more of this type of work within the pages.  


  1. Yes it is supposed to be a great read, I am resisting, glad you enjoy it


  2. Curiously, I have always resisted Slingshot, despite the many other magazines i have subscribed to over the years (although none at all for the past 10 years or so, except The Reiter). The CD sounds like an awesome deal, though.

    1. I hadn't subscribed to any gaming magazine for a number of years either. I decided to give slingshot a try. This first issue is quite good and the CD is unbeatable.

  3. Great minds! I ordered up the CD and the magazine in July. I love being able to find articles by subject and did a little reading on the Varangian Guard, thanks to SoA! And on your recommendation, I'm now subscribed to Ancient Warfare magazine. :-)

    1. Yes, indeed! Or perhaps, we are both easily swayed by a bit of marketing targeted at our weak resolves?
