
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ashigaru Arquebusiers in 15mm

The Samurai Battles project continues to grow.  This week, one stand of Ashigaru Teppo marches off from the painting desk.  These 19 Japanese arquebusiers will become part of the existing Red Devil brigade.  Figures are Peter Pig.  With this completion, the Red Devil's field five of the six component units.  To complete the brigade, one stand of dismounted Samurai remains to paint and field.

Luckily, Brookhurst Hobbies is currently offering 20% discount on Peter Pig ranges.  This sale forces me to make a count and see what is running low.  Some WWII odds and ends are needed but I need to verify.  Enough unpainted Samurai rest in The Lead Pile to field a few more Ashigaru spear units.  After those are fielded, the project will reach enough figures to muster two combatants.

Besides, Samurai Battles, I would enjoy giving Impetvs a try with this project.  My thought is that Impetvs will provide a more satisfying solo experience than can Samurai Battles.     


  1. They look lovely Jonathan, I've have always wanted to have a 15mm samurai army but don't have tge time to paint them. I picked up a load of Dixon figures a few years back but ended up selling them on to someone who would actually paint them in his lifetime. :-(

    1. Hi Paul! Until a year ago, I didn't know I wanted a Samurai army. A buddy of mine has a strong interest in the period, and after a game or two of Samurai Battles, I was hooked. Not much arm twisting needed to get me to jump in with both feet.

      If you are not going to get around to painting the figures, it is a wise man who can part with the collection. I am not often in that category!

  2. Excellent! When you put them all out on a tabletop, I'm afraid I'll have a Kurosawa flashback.

    1. Noted! I'll make sure to take a photo or two during the next game.

  3. Another great looking unit. I've noticed that Brookehurst is doing a 20% off sale on Peter Pig this month. I think I need to paint up some more units to face you

    1. Thanks! I still have enough figures for at least two more spear, one horse, one monk, and one samurai. I, too, have been tempted to fire off a small order for a few more during the sale.

      We need to bring our collections together for battle over the Christmas break.

    2. Agreed, I have been painting up several units of peasants to create an ikko ikki contingent. Let's set something up

  4. They look great!

    Sales are wonderful as long as you buy stuff you were gonna buy anyway (sooner or later, that is).

    1. Thanks, Peter! "Sooner or later" is the key. Maybe it should be "this lifetime or next?"
