
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ashigaru Spearmen for Samurai Battles

Continuing the recent, non-Reconquista theme is one stand of 21 Ashigaru spear men for Samurai Battles.  These spear men are attired in the livery of the Red Devils.  This unit represents the start of a third brigade.  My plan is to field this brigade composed of two Ashigaru spear, one Ashigaru bow, and one Ashigaru teppo all suited in the red lacquered armor.  Rounding out the brigade will be one stand of Samurai foot and one stand of Samurai horse.  Figures are from Peter Pig.

Switching projects again, next off the painting desk will be 28mm Napoleonics.  This time, British cavalry will get a little attention in the form of eight light dragoons.


  1. I love your red Ashigaru. You're moving at a breakneck pace!

    1. Thanks, Monty. I like the red too. They should be easy to spot on the gaming table.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! Another collection we should get onto the gaming table again.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Paul! I need to clear the game table and set the collection out for a group photo.

  4. Very nice figures and interesting basing. Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean, and welcome!

      The basing is due to differences in hex terrain mats. We play Samurai Battles in 15mm using my buddy's 4 inch hex mat with four inch base frontage. I have a two inch hex mat for 6mm Command & Colors Ancients. So that I could try the game on my mat, I attached two, 50mm hexes to form one base. This way, I can play on my two inch hex mat and my buddy's four inch hex mat using the same basing scheme.

  5. Very attractive troops, Jonathan!
