
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

15mm Risorgimento 1859 - Sardinian Line

These 48 figures were primed and in the painting queue before the Reconquista bug struck.  Given a two month wait, I finally pulled these figures from the lead pile and began my task.  Now, I have mentioned before that a 48 figure painting batch is not my favorite task to tackle.  I much prefer smaller painting activities such as 12 or 24 figures at a time.  Never the less, I had 48 figures primed; enough to field one, four battalion Sardinian regiment.  The decision was made to paint all 48 in one go.

I enjoy seeing the end result of such a large group finished as a singular task but getting through that many figures can sometimes be quite tedious.  Without all of the accoutrements present in either Napoleonics or SYW uniforms, the plain uniforms of the Sardinian infantry aided a quick completion.

Fielding this batch of figures was not without incident, however.  After finishing the painting and dullcoating, the figures were grouped in 12 figure battalions for basing.  Unfortunately, I was one figure short.  Did I miscount or did one figure go AWOL during its lounging in the primed box?  Maybe it will turn up someday?  One additional infantryman had to be primed and painted before I could continue.  Luckily, it only took a few minutes to complete that single figure.  Has this ever happened to anyone else?  I bet I am not alone.


  1. Jonathan! Great work and another demonstration of your steely fortitude to go after 48 (or 47) figs at once. That's at the high end!

    I've never had a figure go missing but sometimes I miscalculate how many figures I need for X, Y or Z and then have to sit tight to build up an order or eat shipping for a handful of figs!

    1. Luckily, I have a pile of unpainted lead. No need to wait for replacements!

  2. Very nice! Great colors, and great flags too!

    1. Thanks, Phil. I printed a fresh flag sheet for these lads having exhausted my supply.
