
Saturday, October 5, 2013

16th British Light Dragoons

To convince myself that the 28mm Peninsular War project had not been completely abandoned in 2013 and to maintain some semblance of sticking to commitments (Project Plans 2013), I pulled out eight British light dragoons from the lead pile.  These troopers are Front Rank and will be fielded as two squadrons of the 16th Light Dragoons.

One curiosity of British light dragoons is the color of the turban wrapping the helmet.  Some sources suggest the facing color.  Other sources suggest black.  Still others, show blue.  Not knowing which was correct, I gave the 16th a blue turban to remain consistent with the 14th that I have already fielded.  Turban in the facing color is probably a more interesting choice.  If I find blue is unhistorical then it would not take much work to repaint the turban.  Oh, the standard will be added later.

Lesson:  Research first then paint.  Don't rely on memory. 


  1. Great looking Hussars, Jonathan! What rules are or will you be using for these?

    I once made the mistake of referring to Hussars as Dragoons. Clearly, I belong in the back of the class with the Ancients and Medieval kids.

    1. You did it again, Monty. These are light dragoons not hussars. Back of the class please...

      For tactical Napoleonics, we have used a handful of rules including General d' Brigade, Rank and File, Old Trousers, and a few homebrew.

  2. I always thought the light dragoon helmet band was black with white stripes. Now I'll have to dig through my sources again to make sure . . . but facing color would look cool.

    1. Facing color would be cool. From Jonathan's post below, it looks like the facing color would be appropriate for Egypt and perhaps a little beyond. I wonder if the light dragoons at Maida in 1806 would have still been wearing the colored turban?

      For Kevin's Napoleon in Egypt project, colored turban would look good.

  3. They look great Jonathan. I really like the early uniform of the British light dragoons.

  4. Great uniform and great work Jonathan!

  5. Hi Jon,
    Lovely looking unit. I know what you mean about deciding on turbans. I think the confusion comes from the earlier pattern Tarleton where the pattern was for plumes and turbans in regimental facing colour and with officers often having a leopard skin turban. A good reference is "British Napoleonic Uniforms" by C.E. Franklin, on Page 13 he illustrates the various patterns and states by 1800 a more elegant pattern was established, plumes and turbans changed from the facing colour to white over red for the plumes and to black silk for the turbans. The chin scales, regimental badge on the right side and the metal band around the peak were in white metal.

    Hope that helps

    1. Hi Jonathan,
      Indeed, that does help! As regulations are introduced, lags inevitably occur. Any idea how long after the 1800 change the black turban was widespread?

      The turbans on both of my regiments are now black...


    2. The quote started with "turn of the century" and ended with "about 1800". That's what we gamers have to cope with!
