
Sunday, September 29, 2013

28mm Reconquista - BTD Crossbowmen

Amongst the hub-bub of wedding activities this weekend, I did manage to steal a few hours at the painting desk.  The result of this short burst was a second unit of Impetvs 'T' crossbowmen.  As most of the figures in this project, the crossbowmen are BTD.  I continue to enjoy painting figures from BTD's Warriors of Islam range even though the last two months have seen little else cross the painting desk.  The Moors have not gotten tiresome to paint and I am lunging forward with plans to field additional units.

To prevent a painting rut, the Reconquista project will step aside while I tackle units from other projects.  One such diversion is a four-battalion regiment of Sardinian infantry for the 1859 project.  I had these 48 figures primed and ready to move onto the painting table about the same time as the origination of the Reconquista in July.  With the push to produce Moors, these fellows languished in the lead pile.


  1. Another fine looking unit, Jonathan. I like the extra flourishes on the robes. The Sardinians were singing a certain Tom Petty song, "The Waiting" perhaps?

    1. "The Waiting?" That's a good one. Since these figures have been put away in a box for so long, perhaps, they are canned Sardinians?

  2. So, yeah we should probably get these guys on the table. I have been painting 25mm Rough Riders of late, and don't want a repeat of that orphan project...

    Nice X-bowmen BTW

    1. Let's get them on the table and take advantage of your unplanned vacation.

    2. Very nice. I'm going to have to get some of these and a xebec to go up against my European cogs. Beautiful job painting.

    3. Thanks, Cincinnatus! The BTD figures are really nice and take paint well.
