
Sunday, July 21, 2013

28mm Reconquista - BTD Archers

Off from the painting desk this weekend are two Impetvs skirmisher units, each of four figures.  Again, the figures are from BTD and are very nicely sculpted.  With the exception of a few clumps of flash on the base bottom, flash is non-existent.  In fact, none of the foot figures in BTD's Warriors of Islam range have had any noticeable flash.  Perhaps, a few minor mold lines but nothing else. 

In Impetvs, many of the Reconquista Army Lists provide the option of fielding archers and crossbowmen either as a missile ("T") element or as a skirmisher ("S") unit.  Having no experience with the game yet, I opted to field these archers as two skirmish-sized elements.  Note the cleat that is painted black on the left trailing edge of each stand.  My plan is to use this raised area as a place to affix unit statistics for game play.  That way, unit statistics will be readily available at a glance.  We'll see how this works in practice.     


  1. Great painting, Jonathan! Your fellows will surely win "best dressed" no matter who they face. ;-)

    The skirmish option is a good one. Skirmishers have the ability to evade and as I recall, skirmish bowmen are quite annoying!

    1. Thanks, Monty! I am enjoying painting these BTD Warriors of Islam figures. Great change of pace for me.

      Thanks also for the Impetvs insights. Looking forward to the time I have enough figures for a trial Impetvs game.

  2. Nice and colorful, Jon. Have you an opponent lined up?

    1. Yes, quite colorful. They should look good en masse on the table. Jake is building a Christian force from the Aragonese listing.

  3. T tend to have better combat ability, including some melee, while S are for disrupting the opponent. Nice looking figs, I'm eager to see this project develop.


    1. Thanks for the Impetvs tips. So "T" vs "S"? What factors enter into your decision making process on which to field?

      I look forward to expanding this project to the point of fielding enough units for an ontro game.
