
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

28mm Reconquista - BTD Spearmen

A second unit of spear men is ready for the gaming table.  This brings the project up to  a total of three heavy foot.  As the others before it, all figures are BTD.

An order was placed with Gripping Beast this week to sample their El Cid range in order to see how they compare with the BTD figures.  On the website, the figures look beautiful.  I hope that they compare favorably size-wise to the BTD figures.  Very tempted by the Artizan figures too.  Also placed an order with BTD USA to bring in additional command sets for my foot. 

With Reconquista Impetvs Army lists favoring Islamic cavalry, I need to get cracking on fielding a few units of horse.  Perhaps, I can begin a couple of horse units this weekend?  Most Muslim lists show minima of 4-6 cavalry so cavalry will be a prominent feature of my army regardless of army fielded. 

For his contingent, Jake has chosen to build towards an Aragonese army.  The Aragonese army can be fielded throughout the period from 1050 - 1350 so my choices for opponents are many.  Also in my favor is that many lists contain a fair amount of overlap so a list tweak will allow fielding a different opponent easily.   

Since Early Nasrid (Granadine: 1232-1340) list contains horse archers, camels, and crossbowmen with no requirement for heavy foot to have supporting archers, this may be the list I target initially.  I have horse archers and crossbowmen to paint as well as Feudal Spanish to use as mercenary, heavy foot.  I do need to order camel troops. 


  1. Great looking figures Jonathan, my collection has all three companies mixed in they all fit in very well together.

    1. Very good news that the three manufacturers fit well together. Looking forward to adding additional variety to the project.

  2. Great work, Jonathan. You're on a roll! I think you'll like the GB, and I can't wait to see camel troops in 28mm. I'm trying to remember if there any special rules about them.

    1. Thanks, Monty. Looking forward to seeing the GB figures in person.
