
Thursday, August 1, 2024

It Is That Time Again!

If it is 01 August, it must be time for Wargames, Soldiers, & Strategy Magazine's annual The Great Wargaming Survey.  Now in its 11th year, the 2024 edition is up and awaiting your wargaming insights and feedback.

There are a few new questions added into the mix this year as well as tried and true questions that we all expect. 

Survey is found at The Great Wargaming Survey 2024 Edition

One of the gifts for completing the survey is a neat 3D stl file from Wargames Atlantic of a French Herald.  I could use one of these!  Now, if I only had a 3D printer.

The survey only takes a few minutes to complete so I encourage all to take a few minutes out of your day and fill in the survey.  Survey runs through the end of August.

Thank you!


  1. That's me completed it Jon, never done the survey before so it's thank to you I have now!

  2. I'm sure if you ask Doug nicely.....☺
    As he's been printing Renaissance, he could probably use it himself.....

  3. I'm happy to do the survey, Jon, it's interesting. Last year they gave a discount voucher for their publications, so I used it to get a reduced-price subscription to WSS magazine. Hopefully I can do that again..

    1. Thanks, David! I think I saw a 5-pound discount after I completed the survey. I used my voucher from last year for a perpetual digital subscription.

    2. indeed I have now done the survey and can confirm I have received a voucher for 5 Euro discount on publications, so I will be taking a subscription for WSS - excellent! Survey was interesting, now I really ought to have a count-up of how many unpainted figures I actually have, to see if the answer I estmated was accurate or just wildly optimistic!

    3. Whoops! That’s correct; 5 Euro voucher.

  4. I can't believe it has been a year since the last one.

  5. I weas going to say the same thing... can't believe that... it's baaaaack, already! :-)

  6. Like others I too am surprised it has come around so quickly! However I made the mistake of assuming last years voucher was valid for 12 months, until I tried using it yesterday, only to find out it expired at the end of 2023:(. Will do the survey in the morning when I'm more with it and will try and spend the voucher in the correct timeframe!

    1. Thanks, Steve. Use your voucher this year!

    2. I aim too this time Jon, but have noticed that it's only valid if you spend 10 Euros or more, which is new. Time to check the back issues to see if anything is of interest to me...

    3. There must be a back issue or two of interest.

  7. Done and dusted. It will be diverting to see the results.

  8. I'll get it done Iver the weekend. Just seems like 5 minutes since the last one

    1. Thanks, Neil! Perhaps it only seems like five minutes ago because I bombard everyone with analysis throughout the year?

  9. Excellent, thanks for the link Jon!

  10. I’m gonna skip it. I’m tired of being data mined by Big Wargame.

    Just kidding. Just did it

    1. Data Mined By Big Wargame? Good title for a paper. Lucky for you that responses are anonymous.

  11. Have completed the survey now Jon and look forward to the coming analysis, courtesy of your good self!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Still at least one more analysis before we see the 2024 data in September.

  12. all done Jonathan and thanks for providing the link.

  13. Encouraged by your analysis and like I've just done it for the first time. The unpainted figures question seemed aimed more at an assumption of 28mm. 20 packs of Baccus 6mm would be about 2000 figures, a rather different proposition from 2000 28mm. And I was astonished that in the wargame inspiration question that I had to add 'history books'. And blogs, which provide far more inspiration than any of the monthly magazines which seem fixated on photos of well-painted 28mm figures, sometimes larger than life size. I know that is the hobby for many people but there are other scales. Interesting to hear in conversation with a couple of the editors at the Joy of 6 show that they regard 28mm as the easiest to photograph and the view of one editor that you couldn't sell a magazine without such photos. Although he couldn't produce any evidence to support that view,. Still, the survey was interesting to do.

    1. Brian, thanks for taking the time to complete the survey. Yes, there is a difference between having 2,000 6mm unpainted figures vs 2,000 28mm figures. Given that counting unpainted figures may be a tough call for most, asking these numbers to be adjusted by figure size is a request too far. Well, at least from my perspective. Glad you completed the survey for the first time and very pleased you found it at least interesting.

  14. Well that's done for another year. Took me a bit longer than the advertised 10 minutes but perhaps I'm slow. Actually, I think it was the thinking time for the "dislike" question and the mental adding up of figures. Look forward to seeing the results, as always.

    1. Thank you for participating! I reckon the 10-minute estimate is based upon those accustomed to completing the survey since much is similar from year to year. some questions do require some thought and reflection. Time spent answering completely and honestly makes the survey data much more useful as a reflection of the hobby.

  15. Oh, minor feedback point. At one point, about inspiration, one category was a text with historical subject or some such. I answered this taking text to mean something written down, like a book or article. But I originally read it as text message you get on the phone. Could cause some confusion in the answers if people had interpreted it in different ways.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I always assumed "text" as a book or similar. Never thought about "text" as text message. How many test messages do you receive about historical events? I'll make a note for clarification in next year's survey.

    2. The oddness of the idea of inspiration by text message did cause me to think and get to the right answer. That said, I am expected to answer all manner of queries about historical topics on the family Whatsapp, so who knows?

  16. As always, an expensive mistake. I suppose the voucher saved most of the postage but picking up Medieval Warfare magazines that I absolutely do not need will probably leads to another project. Why in the world am I likely to have to have a Teutonic Order army I ask myself? A question for next years survey I dare say.

    1. Been there; done that! I hope in your survey that you listed magazines and periodicals as a source of hobby inspiration. Besides, I can think of many reasons to have a Teutonic Order Army. I am sure others can offer suggestions as well.

      Good luck with your new project!
