
Sunday, August 4, 2024

Battle of Ucles 1108

Today's battle report is long overdue.  Fought in the middle of July, I am only just now getting around to chronicling this great battle.  Besides fighting other battles, I have been at work on developing a scenario for the Battle of Cheriton and wrangling survey data for the next Great Wargaming Survey analysis.  Toss in a little painting, some steady yard work, a minor injury or two, and a lot of cycling (logged a tad under 600 miles for July) and time slips by faster than I realize.  Perhaps the hot weather takes its toll as well in making everything take a little bit longer.  Either that or age is catching up with me.  I lobby for the former.  Anyway, back to today's battle report.

On 18th July, the Battle of Ucles was on the docket with four players lined up to participate.  At the last minute one player bowed out leaving a planned four-player game with three players.  Being the Acceptor of All Challenges, Doug volunteered to command the Almoravid Army alone.  Stephen and Colin split the Spanish command with Stephen taking both wings while Colin commanded the heavy cavalry and reserve infantry in the center.
Initial dispositions
After three weeks, let's see how much of this battle I recall.

With the Almoravid Army besieging Ucles, word arrives that a Spanish relief force under Sancho Alfonsez is on its way to break the siege.  Calling his army to the colors, Ibn Yusef deploys his army to face the enemy in front of the gates of Ucles.  Yusef places his medium cavalry in the center of his battle line.  Sancho deploys his Spanish Army with his heavy knights in the center
Ibn Yusef draws up his army at the gates of Ucles.
As the battle begins, both armies advance their wings while the center cavalry remain still.  Almost still.  Yusef turns his two horse units about to face the rear.  The camels remain in place facing the enemy.
The wings probe forward while the centers holds.
Skirmishing on the flanks.
Almoravid cavalry about face.
Sancho can restrain his knights no longer.  In they all go into the awaiting enemy hordes!  Sancho leads a charge up the hill and into the Muslim mixed foot unit.  The Muslims are driven back in retreat.  Sancho pursues but his pursuit crashes into a veteran body of spearmen.  The spearmen stand their ground and Sancho falls back.  A second body of knights to the right of Sancho charge into another body of spearmen.  Yusef's heavy infantry fall back from the weight of the charge.  

A third body of Christian knights charges into the Almoravid camelry.  They too are drive away in disorder!  These knights refuse to pursue but Sancho has cut a wide swath through the Almoravid line!  The Christians cheer!  Yusef brings up a body of mixed infantry in an attempt to drive off the knights isolated in the center.  The Almoravid infantry is driven off.        
Where is the Almoravid Center?
Seeing a gaping hole where his center was moments before, Yusef, advances against both wings to relieve pressure on the center.  These advances on the flanks see success in that the Spanish Right is turned and Yusef's light cavalry is able to swing around the enemy flank and threaten the Spanish rear.  Sancho sends his red knights in again against the Almoravid Center.  Repulsed!  
Yusef attacks against the Spanish Right...
and against the Spanish Left.
The isolated Spanish knights are attacked again.
Yusef working to turn the Spanish Right.
Driven off a second time,
Almoravid infantry is in full retreat!
At this point in the battle, the Spanish cavalry have driven all before them.  Yusef was not done for yet!  

With his medium horsemen returning to the battle, Yusef begins to execute his plan.  First, the isolated Spanish knights in the center are driven back with heavy casualties.  The attacking Muslim horsemen follow up in pursuit.  The Spanish are caught and dispatched.  The Almoravid horsemen continue to pursue.  The Muslim cavalry reach the red knights and cut them down.  Sancho is lucky to escape!  
and pursuit...
and pursuit.
Sancho barely escapes with his life.
Against the Spanish Left, Yusef orders his heavy infantry down from the heights to engage the enemy.  In supported attacks, the Almoravids strike with a vengeance.  Spanish infantry and Spanish cavalry are driven off in retreat.  Although Muslim casualties are heavy in these clashes, the Spanish Left collapses.  
Almoravids on the attack!
Spanish Left is shredded!
Almoravids control the battlefield.
With the Spanish center gone, his right turned, and his left now in flight, Sancho puts an end to his attempt to relieve the siege at Ucles.  The occupants must fend for themselves.

After watching Colin rip apart the Almoravid Center, I figured this battle might be a short one.  Once these massive Spanish cavalry charges ran their course, exhausted, they were vulnerable.  Doug did not allow this opportunity to slip away.  He counterattacked vigorously everywhere.  Where moments before, it looked like a Spanish steamroller crushing everything in its path, Doug struck back and turned the tables.  Impressive comeback and another very exciting game.

Thank you all for another, most entertaining session.  Great fun!

Yeah, I think this is how the battle unfolded…


  1. That looks like it was a fun game. Once again lots of damage done by the Christian knights only to succumb to the Almoravid counter attack

    1. The game was fun and dynamic with the Spanish heavy cavalry not able to hold on to their early and impressive success.

  2. Excellent looking game Jonathan and an unexpected ending!


  3. After two reports, it seems like the Christian army only has one thing in the tactical playbook, whereas the Muslim forces seem to have a bit more flexibility in their counter measures...another great looking and exciting game.

    1. Post-game, Colin was lamenting that he should have played the Spanish center differently. The battle outcomes in both games are surprising in that both replicated the historical result.

  4. Great looking game and one that swung back and forth, great win for the Muslim forces when it looked pretty bleak.

    1. Thank you, Donnie! Yes, the situation looked quite bleak for the Almoravids early on.

  5. On reflection when you have a large number of Christian knights chomping at the bit to kill somebody what else can one do? A sensible person (ie ruling myself out of that) would have held the knights back behind the heavy infantry. It may have worked but would it feel right? A super game and thanks again to Jon for hosting. Colin Alphonso Sancho

    1. Colin, it is hard to keep your head when you are at the front of five bodies of heavy cavalry. With that hammer, everything looks like a nail. Very difficult to show sufficient restraint to allow the infantry to come up to lead the attack.

      Happy you enjoyed the game!

  6. A bit of a surprise as I was expecting Cheriton! ☺
    You are obviously playing more than blogging, always a good thing.....
    Well another historical result, remind me never to play against Doug - he's far too canny a player! ☺

    1. Neil, the first Cheriton clash is not until Monday. With any luck, I can produce that battle report in a more timely fashion.

      Doug is proving himself to be a very cunning commander on the table and a worthy adversary. You would enjoy matching wits with Doug. He would provide a challenge, no doubt.

  7. It was a great game. I realised I had nothing that would stand up to the knights charge, so rather than see my cavalry blasted to bits, pulled them back and planned to mop up once the knights had been worn down a bit. I was hoping to pull a Cannae. It more or less went to plan. Lucky enough to get a couple of hits on the knights with camels etc.. it was then much more in my favour when I sent my own cavalry in.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the game! I thought the game produced a compelling narrative and isn't that part of the fun?

      You played a brilliant hand in both your strategy and tactics. Well done! As Neil notes above (and to which I agree), you are a very canny player.

  8. Just when you think all is won/lost lady fate intervenes and turns the table. It makes for a great read either way.

    1. The game certainly spun around on a dime. Glad you enjoyed the report, Phil!

  9. Great looking game, same result, I vote for Mark to command the Christians next, he can usually be relied on to pull something out of the bag!
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated, Iain! Having Mark take command of the Spanish is a great idea! That must wait, though, as Cheriton is up next on the table. I may return to Ucles and give Mark a shot with the Spanish. Mark is a good player blessed with good dice.

  10. You did well to recall all that after a couple of weeks Jonathan, although it seems like a memorable game. Well done to Doug for turning it around so convincingly.

    1. Thanks! My game recall was helped by the photos snapped during play. Just enough there to jog my memory and it was a memorable game. As I have said before, Doug is a wily opponent.

  11. Were that I as diligent as you in compiling such complete (and compelling) battle reports--and in catching up on ones that are lagging. Sounds like you're maintaining a most active and well rounded "real life" as well (minor injuries notwithstanding).

    1. Ed, at our age, I suspect that minor injuries are a constant part of Real Life. Thank you for your encouragement!

  12. Crazy key Jon, hosting games, planning new games and painting. AND then cycling over 600 miles. In the Summer! Oh and the survey work. You put us all to shame.
    That sounded like another fun game. It certainly plays to my perception of this period (I hasten to add that it know extremely little about it!). Well done Doug. A veritable Saladin!

    1. Chris, this was another barnburner of a game. Sorry that you had to miss out on the Mark and Tony's clash. We will see how you fare in a different period in Monday's game.

  13. Another great game and one of almost two halves again, with the initial Christian attacking being countered by a Muslim one. Excellent stuff for all players I'm sure.

    Impressive mileage on the cycling too Jon! The leaves are beginning to turn here so suddenly one feels like Autumn is not too far away, which often means I can get out on the bike more...

    1. Thank you, Steve! Yes, this was another “game of two halves” giving all players joy and despair.

      Leaves are turning already? Fall must be coming early for you. Hope you can get back out on your bike.

  14. Age can't be too much of a factor if you're able to remember that much detail of the game. I'm sure the pictures help jog the memory as well. I like the building as well.
    Pretty game as usual. 😁

    1. Thank you, Stew. Perhaps mind is holding up better than body?
