
Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Last Sumerian Battle Carts?

In a sign of the Season, Saturday's planned F2F game was snowed-out.  Refights of Ilipa using Commands & Colors were on the schedule.  Looking to reschedule that clash in a week.  Luckily, we do not live by F2F gaming alone.  Later Sunday sees a remote game with Matt.  El Cid will take to the field.  

Back to the painting desk, another round of Biblicals emerge.  Following up on the recent Babylonian bowmen, the Sumerians see a couple of additions to the roster.  This time, a pair of battle carts roll out.  This pair makes the seventh and eighth war wagons in the project and these are the last such pieces in The Lead Pile.  Although no self-respecting Lugal would think so, perhaps eight is enough?  Figures are Newline Designs.

After this brief diversion into Biblicals, painting returns to 18th Century figures.  More Hanoverians are in work as are Piedmontese cavalry.  A planned December game of Madonna dell'Olmo (Md'O) 1744 drives part of the motivation to see some more Piedmontese in the painting pipeline.

Rough details for the scenario are in place and the table has been dressed.  Md'O is another large War of Austrian Succession battle that will likely require more than one session to fight to completion.  
Madonna dell'Olmo
As I am want to do, this battle will likely be played more than once over the next month or two.


  1. Jonathan, "enough" ? What is this strange concept? I'm not sure I understand......☺
    The WAS in Italy is shaping up nicely, looking forward to the battle report(s).

    1. I have trouble reconciling what I wrote as well.

      I am looking forward to a return to WAS in Italy. The earlier series of games refighting Bassagnana was great fun.

  2. Cracking carts there Jonathan, enjoy your game in Spain.

    1. Thanks, Phil! It will be fun to return to Spain and Impetvs.

  3. The battle carts are superb, but is 8 enough?

  4. The carts make for a particularly nice stand (dare I say diorama). The Md'O looks interesting, it looks to have an initial tough grind baked into the first part of the game, it will be interesting to see where the breaks occur.

    1. Thanks, Norm! Since the bases are for Impetvs, diorama basing is encouraged.

      I am looking forward to the Md'O battle. Each army has some challenging situations to puzzle out.

  5. Great additions to your Summerian army, Jonathan. Only time will tell if these carts are your last :)

  6. When I am painting figures and I get to the point where I am starting to wonder if they will actually be needed in a game, then I start to think"enough". I always enjoy seeing you beautiful battlecarts in action, and these two look terrific. The War of the Austrian Succession game looks very enticing.

    1. I can still easily put four carts per army out on the table. This room for a few more but not really needed. I have been having really interesting games with three or even two carts per army. Md'O presents an interesting and challenging situation to model on the gaming table. We will see how it goes.

  7. I vote you can never have enough carts! They look great btw!


    1. Christopher, in my book, your vote ALWAYS counts! Thanks!

  8. I love those battle carts!! I think Sumerian Armies have a charm of their own- nice brushwork!

    1. Thanks, John! I wonder if part of the charm is that we really do not have concrete evidence on how battles were fought and that armies can fight one another without needing a number of different armies?

  9. A pair of fine looking War carts, Jon. They almost certainly are "enough", but when has that ever stopped us? :-)

    Looking forward to your upcoming WAS action(s)!

    1. Thanks, Peter! I reckon some of us are seldom stopped by such challenges.

  10. Lovely looking war carts Jonathan…
    I am looking forward to seeing your battle reports.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! First WAS game is tentatively scheduled for next week.

  11. Brilliant looking carts Jonathan.
    Can't wait for the battle, it looks excellent.

    1. Thanks, Richard! A preliminary battle briefing went out to the first group over the weekend.

  12. I am sure you can find space for a couple more battle carts Jonathan, they look suitably threatening. I like the look of the Md'O layout and anticipate the AAR.

    1. Mark, I am sure you are correct. There should be space for more carts. Md’O offers interesting situations for which both armies must contend.

  13. Great additions there Jon and as others have said, the diorama style basing works a treat. The WAS game looks good and look forward to reading the various AAR's. As for enough figures, well I know I have more than enough, yet was thinking of a few small additions last night, if I can sneak them past SWMBO!

    1. Thanks, Steve! I saw a funny wargamer cartoon the other day that illustrates your situation on sneaking figures perfectly.

  14. Those battle carts look great Jon, as does the almost ready WAS battlefield ("almost, as more Piedmontese are obviously still to arrive!)

    1. Thanks! On the battle layout, what you see is what the Piedmontese get.

  15. Fine looking carts, but wondering if the number is enough? That way lies madness! Based on your previous reports on the War of the Austrian Succession, anticipation is building for an epic.

    1. Thanks, Joe! For now, eight is enough. The next WAS game will be another, relatively large affair. The battle will likely take more than one session to fight to conclusion.

  16. Excellent looking war carts and no doubt enough, at least until the next Newline sale!
    Best Iain

  17. Nice work Jon, the WSS battle looks impressive 👍

    1. Thanks! You may take a swing at the WAS battle if you wish. It will likely need to sessions.

  18. Great figures Jonathan! Is eight enough? Enough to start with.

  19. Your table for Madonna del Olmo is looking so good!

  20. Love the war carts Jon and the new table setup for Md'O looks interesting!
